AOPA: $10,000 bounty for laser-pointing perps


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
May 23, 2006
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According to AOPA, there is a $10,000 reward offered by FBI for information on lasers pointed at aircraft.

"After a temporarily blinding green laser flashed into the cockpit of a Robinson R22 on a training flight at North Carolina's Cape Fear Regional Jetport on May 6, the CFI and student helped police track down the person shining the laser. Now, the FBI is offering to reward those who provide information on laser incidents that leads to an arrest."

"The FAA offers a helpful brochure, 'Laser Hazards in Navigable Airspace,' that pilots can download and carry with them, as well as a video about the hazards as shown from a cockpit simulator."
Do outdoor concerts, games etc have to restrict laser use?
I have posted this before - I was completely blinded in my left eye and half of my right eye just as I was coming over the fence at night. I managed to stay on the runway. Ran to my truck and began chasing the disappearing headlights as best I could see them By the time I got to the highway they were just a speck in the distance and I had cooled down, so I stopped.
I was armed and I intended to use all necessary force on fleeing felons.
Anybody who shines a laser at an aircraft should be caught, have the damn thing pointed right into both their own eyes, and blinded for life.

I have zero sympathy for anybody who does this. None whatsoever.
Jeez the title tries to read as if aopa was putting up the ten grand. Would be a better use of their seventy million then anything else they do.:yes:
NPR did an article on this yesterday morning. No mention of any AOPA involvement. No surprise there.
Come on Folks. You have got to be a lot smarter than this. ANYONE could have discerned that AOPA was reporting the news, not stating THEY were offering a reward. I know bashing AOPA AND Aunt Peggy seems to be a sport around here but remember, this IS the front porch of aviation. A whole lot of visitors come by and it is often one of the top search results in google.
Come on Folks. You have got to be a lot smarter than this. ANYONE could have discerned that AOPA was reporting the news, not stating THEY were offering a reward. I know bashing AOPA AND Aunt Peggy seems to be a sport around here but remember, this IS the front porch of aviation. A whole lot of visitors come by and it is often one of the top search results in google.
New York Times: Did Something Really Bad. See how that works, doesn't fool anyone but why write the headline with AOPA? Unless you are trying to give the impression they had something to do with it. I assume it was copied from AOPAs website and they were trying to create that impression. And why should we care if google can find AOPA bashing? Should we hide opinions to protect others feelings? Not comment on disingenuous nonprofits? Ye all censor yourselves or crappy organizations will be harmed.