anyone located at/near KEKN, WV ?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
that might want to go on a plane recon mission?
That guy from Airplane Repo show, what's his name, was at OSH this year....
Nope, but have been to the dirt track near there many times, not too far from where I grew up.
that might want to go on a plane recon mission?

Hitch a ride into town and eat lunch at Duke's steakhouse. My wife's aunt owns it, and everything I've had there has been good, even the filet mignon sandwich (which sounds like a waste of a good steak, right up until the first bite!).

EKN is a fun field, down in a bowl of mountains. Look for the wind tetrahedron, my first visit I couldn't find it and landed on the recommended runway. With a tailwind. In my Mooney. Without a lot of hours. Don't make my same mistake . . .