Anyone in Key West right now?


Line Up and Wait
Apr 23, 2013
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Ugh, left my cellphone at Landmark
Anyone down there and flying up?
Sent them an e-mail and will call in the morning to arrange mailing it, but if someone is down there and heading up - I'm buying the lunch.
Just in case anyone is there, you might want to include where in Florida you are, since the whole state is north of Key West. In fact, the whole blooming country is north of Key West. So any pilot leaving there and not leaving the country will be heading "up."
I'm in KDED (between Orlando and Daytona Beach) but could fly out a bit to meet
I feel your pain. Rockin' the mighty Droid 3 right now waiting for my Galaxy S5 to show up in the mail. :mad2::mad2::mad2:
I did the same thing a few months ago. Thankfully, the FBO called me over Unicom.
When did Landmark get into Key West.

Island Flying Service has had the field on lock down for years...