Anyone going to SERFI


Aug 15, 2012
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this weekend? My plan is to fly in Friday and stay until Sunday. For those that don't know SERFI is SOUTH EAST regional fly in...and its actually in the southeast....hehe
So was Gastons from what I heard. ;)
already have a southeast flyin this weekend. in the southeast.
Southeast as in North Carolina?

Look, I know the line has to be drawn some where but cmon.

I mean Evergreen, AL is deep in the dirty south.
Southeast as in North Carolina?

Look, I know the line has to be drawn some where but cmon.

I mean Evergreen, AL is deep in the dirty south.

Southeast as in South Carolina. Myrtle beach is in SC, generally considered southeast but to me it's all 'the south' and is all another world to me. Like 3rd world mostly. But yeah, bama, ain't no place fer a city boy. I reckon.
Bama ain't no place for any actually scared to hoping I make it out. Mississippi is 3rd world and I like it. But yeah my geography is lacking since it's SOUTH Carolina I'll let it slide this time....hahaha
Looky heah, the southeast extends from Louisiana to the Carolinas, and what state is in the middle and "Heart of Dixie", why Alabama!

Simtech you'll be ok in Evergreen. Years ago we took a TSW7 Mobile Tower and worked ATC for the event, but I don't know if they use ATC anymore. I watched a J3 approach the field from the east when the airspace was closed for the air show. We kept giving him a light signal to stay away, but he kept coming, flew counter clockwise around the airport and landed to the north. Then I watched as he taxied in, and was met by the FAA inspector, felt so bad for the guy. I wouldn't have said anything but the FAA saw it go down and we (ATC) were out of the loop. The pilot sat on one of his tire/struct just deflated.

eman my people are in Joisey, near ACY, and you can have it. Never leaving the South. Love it here, but I've lived all over being dad was military and myself spending 20 years in the Air Force. Not for everyone which is fine.

Who is next....oh yeah, 'Dog. You know deep in your heart that Bama is THE SOUTHEAST! You're just wishing you lived here in these parts. So, yeah, ya got your BOOM in, you're forgiven.

Lastly, y'all are a bunch of basturds for picking on Bama. "Bless your hearts"

Oh, here's a link Simtech didn't bother posting, gheesh...
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Wow also the Conecuh Sausage Festival too! Good stuff right thar I'll tell ya.

Bama ain't no place for any actually scared to hoping I make it out. Mississippi is 3rd world and I like it. But yeah my geography is lacking since it's SOUTH Carolina I'll let it slide this time....hahaha

Nothing to fear Simtech, as long as you leave after a reasonable time. If not welllllll.....

Had a good time at SERFI. We flew in Friday and left yesterday evening. Had some good conecuh sausage, fun rodeo, cool car show, warm bonfire, good BBQ, lots of friends, and good amount of planes. Was a fun weekend in my book!


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I stopped by to get you but DG told me I was better off just leaving.....haha
Nah DG said he would never fly in a small plane. He said he heard enough working ATC that kept him scared of flying and even being on the ground.
Ya know, all those years I was there and he never did go up with me. But we had good times drinking beer and cutting trees down with chainsaws.
I have heard some stories of him cutting trees down! And I know he can put some beers down.
I have heard some stories of him cutting trees down! And I know he can put some beers down.

Well, once we were cutting oak and he was sitting on his ass, drinking a beer, while I was cutting down one. Wellll this tree decides to not fall where I intended but started coming my way, with my truck in range of it! I threw my shoulder into it and got it to fall the other way, yelling at DG to help. He just sat on his ass and laughed at me. :( :D
Well, once we were cutting oak and he was sitting on his ass, drinking a beer, while I was cutting down one. Wellll this tree decides to not fall where I intended but started coming my way, with my truck in range of it! I threw my shoulder into it and got it to fall the other way, yelling at DG to help. He just sat on his ass and laughed at me. :( :D
Oh man he helped you out nicely! Haha

I heard a story about him helping a guy cut a tree down. Was on top of one of those tin storage units you buy from wal mart. He had like 2 ladders on it..long story short, ladders went flying, dg went flying, and said tree went through storage unit.

So what I have learned is if DG says he will help...just say no. Hahaha
Oh man he helped you out nicely! Haha

I heard a story about him helping a guy cut a tree down. Was on top of one of those tin storage units you buy from wal mart. He had like 2 ladders on it..long story short, ladders went flying, dg went flying, and said tree went through storage unit.

So what I have learned is if DG says he will help...just say no. Hahaha

Wow! Doesn't sound like Dave. Must be slipping (excuse pum).