Anyone flown in Buenos Aires, Argentina?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jan 19, 2013
Austin, TX
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Hi everyone,

Last year I got my PPL and then I moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I'll be for a few years. Has anyone done general aviation or flight lessons here? I'd love to be able to keep flying while I'm here.

I went to one flight school (at Morón, just outside the city of Buenos Aires) and the first requirement is to speak Spanish, because general aviation radio communications are in Spanish (I listened to the radio and it's true). I'm working on that, and later this year I should be proficient enough.

Any feedback is appreciated!
No idea, sounds like a challenge .
What is really sad is that although I am perfectly fluent in Spanish I don't know any of the aviation lingo. I would probably need to fly with one of the locals for a few hours just to pick up the terminology. I seriously doubt I could copy an IFR clearance in Spanish.

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What is really sad is that although I am perfectly fluent in Spanish I don't know any of the aviation lingo. I would probably need to fly with one of the locals for a few hours just to pick up the terminology. I seriously doubt I could copy an IFR clearance in Spanish.

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Any controller should be able to give you your IFR clearance in English. That whole "English Proficient" thing on your license? This is why that exists, it's an international standard that requires non native English speakers to be tested in aviation English proficiency.
What is really sad is that although I am perfectly fluent in Spanish I don't know any of the aviation lingo. I would probably need to fly with one of the locals for a few hours just to pick up the terminology. I seriously doubt I could copy an IFR clearance in Spanish.
I was in the same boat, I ended up buying a Private Pilot Course in Spanish lust to learn the terminology.