Any tips on getting rid of wasps?


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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I am outnumbered more this year than any in the past. Killing then 1 by 1 seems futile at this point. There are hundreds of them everywhere.

My estimation of my current wasp breakdown:
75% mud wasps (thread body)
15% angry red bastards (scientific name)
10% assorted others

Any way to get them to move on to my neighbor's house and stay away from mine? The eaves are teaming with them and only a small percentage are the paper wasps. I am knocking those nests down.

I see a lot just buzzing around on top of the roof. Not sure if they like the heat from the shingles.

I had an above ground anti-siphon valve that dripped a lot and I replaced with an in ground double check valve. hundreds were living in that muddy area before. Now those seem to be gone.

I know the mud dobbers have to be provoked before stinging but I would still like them gone. They are making their way into the house and it scares the kids or I end up spraying them which I prefer not to do indoors.

Any way to deter them from my yard? I am not opposed to getting a pressure washer and filling the tank with bug spray and coating the entire exterior of the house. I'm at the point of extreme measures if needed.

There are probably some big nests or clusters of nests nearby. Search & destroy. Eliminate access if possible. I've had some warped trim on my house and they were slipping in behind the boards and building huge nests.
Wasps like anything else want to live close to resources. Water of course and food. At my place the aphids attract the wasps. Spray all your plants for aphids and the wasps go somewhere else. The last couple of years my plants, especially crape myrtles are covered with aphids. I have to spray Permethrin every week. Also kills mosquitos, so a double positive.
I would start with the spray cans, if they can reach. Most can reach about 15', but that might not be far enough. If you stand on a ladder, be prepared to duck. If you soak the paper wasp nests, you'll kill whatever gets touched - the others should end up going somewhere else. The mud dauber nests - you might be able to hose them down and wash off the mud tubes. I've had to deal with both. If they are inside the structure, a pro can probably get to them for you.
OK, I just sprayed my garden with Sevindust and washed the mud nests off the house.

I have a pool so not much I can do about water removal aside from locations it pools on the ground.

I did watch them a bit and I noticed they seem to be grouping in a tree in my neighbor's yard on the other side of my fence.

I suspect I probably have nest in my attic somewhere because they are all over the place but no large nest visible anywhere. Just a few quarter sized paper nests here and there which I have been spraying.
Don't fight fair :)

Seriously, as Oscar the Wonderwienerdog has a reaction, the McRae compound has a zero tolerance policy for stinging insects. I generally buy the "long reach" sprays (and have never found one particular brand to work better than another)


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Don't fight fair :)

Seriously, as Oscar the Wonderwienerdog has a reaction, the McRae compound has a zero tolerance policy for stinging insects. I generally buy the "long reach" sprays (and have never found one particular brand to work better than another)

That's what I have been doing but 1 at a time is not all that effective.
I was really hoping there was some way to repel them.

Like maybe playing nickleback real loud or something.
Not sure if that would be worth it. Would repel any self respecting humans as well.
I hear hanging a Cowboys flag outside will do about the same thing. Or pictures of Romo :)
Call a professional

(especially if you aren't confident you know where they all are)