Any suggestions for Non-PoA Spin Zones?

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Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Since we don't have our own space for political discussions, can anyone suggest other forum sites where the POTUS election campaigns are discussed? And hopefully something with civility and thought going into the posts versus unfounded personal flaming.

run your own country and discuss on the forums or regional message boards. It's mostly poli-speak, and generally rather civilized.
Didn't someone set one up? I recall seeing some discussions on it.

There is the Mos Eisley on the Purple Board (their version of the spin zone.) It's pretty civil.
There is the Mos Eisley on the Purple Board (their version of the spin zone.) It's pretty civil.
Having known some of the Purple Board residents for a while (both online and in person), the quote from Obi-wan does apply: "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

Thanks Sac, I'll investigate there and Ed's suggestion of
Don't really know, but you heard. :rolleyes:

I got a few texts from different individuals stating it was toxic after they asked if I was over there under a different name - and they were on all points of the political compass. I haven't been over there, so I can't say first hand. I also didn't witness Auschwitz, but I'm pretty confident I can say it was a pretty horrible situation and not be wrong about it.
Since we don't have our own space for political discussions, can anyone suggest other forum sites where the POTUS election campaigns are discussed? And hopefully something with civility and thought going into the posts versus unfounded personal flaming.

The whole damn Internet? ;)
I've pretty much given up on it both online and IRL. I rarely even go to any of the colleges where I have alumni privileges to discuss politics anymore because very few people want to discuss politics. They want to argue it, defend their positions, challenge each others' cred, and demean those who don't agree with them; but rarely do they want to have sane discussions about it where no position is sacrosanct and every notion is up for grabs.

When we can rouse up enough local Libertarians to actually have a meeting, those tend to go pretty well, but that's about it.

I'm a registered Libertarian, but I'm really more of a pragmatist. I don't buy the whole LP line. Frankly, just based on my real-life interactions with other Libertarians, very few do. I guess that's to be expected from people who don't lean toward conformity in general. It's probably also why gatherings with my LP friends are about the only place left where I can talk politics without people getting all bent out of shape. No one really expects everyone else to tow the line at LP gatherings.

Other than those gatherings, I've pretty much given up talking politics. Most people are just too thin-skinned and too conformist these days to have good political discussions.

I just gotta wonder where those who haven't heard about pilotspin have been for the last three months.

Typical liberal response.

Why? because they don't base their entire self worth on shoving their opinions down everyone else's throats?
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I just gotta wonder where those who haven't heard about pilotspin have been for the last three months.

Why because they don't base their entire self worth on shoving their opinions down everyone else's throats?

Looks like POA or the Red Board but with less participation and Jaybird180 posting most of the threads. How many aviation forums do we need?
From what I heard from more than a few people about the behavior over there, that would leave that recommendation out.

It is bad.... You express anything slightly against the flow over there... you,might as well change your name to Clinton.

There negative, then there's Pilotspin
I just gotta wonder where those who haven't heard about pilotspin have been for the last three months.

Um, much more easily ignoring the stupidity than before, when it was almost as easy?

Let's see. Website named "pilot" and "spin"... Yup, that one went straight in the "I'm glad I will never need to go there ever" file. Ha.

Why because they don't base their entire self worth on shoving their opinions down everyone else's throats?

ROFLMAO. Right. Partisans of both favors absolutely love that crap. That's the entire basis for every political speech these days. No meat, certainly no character. All filler. It's designed to keep people distracted so they don't notice the big Party politicians are all exactly the same, and aren't on your side. No matter which fake Party you naively support.

Case in point: All anyone has to do to get a pre-programmed emotional reaction out of half of the dolts in any room is say "typical liberal response" or "typical conservative response". You're well trained.

Ring the bell, doggy salivates. Good old Pavlov. He was smart enough to use dogs to show what humans would do, if manipulated and trained correctly.

Hilary is on the radio telling a room full of people in Ohio that their soil is killing them right as I type this, and nobody is interrupting her saying "WTF?" Trump is babbling about himself. These are the two "best" idiots we can find to run the Executive Branch of our bloatware government?

Probably not. But their supporters are well trained. Woof. Ding. Drool.
Let's not turn this thread political please. The question is fine. Discussion of politics is not.
Let's not turn this thread political please. The question is fine. Discussion of politics is not.

Good to see most of those folks obviously don't have anything better to do with their time, like fly or talk about flying.
Um, much more easily ignoring the stupidity than before, when it was almost as easy?

Let's see. Website named "pilot" and "spin"... Yup, that one went straight in the "I'm glad I will never need to go there ever" file. Ha.

ROFLMAO. Right. Partisans of both favors absolutely love that crap. That's the entire basis for every political speech these days. No meat, certainly no character. All filler. It's designed to keep people distracted so they don't notice the big Party politicians are all exactly the same, and aren't on your side. No matter which fake Party you naively support.

Case in point: All anyone has to do to get a pre-programmed emotional reaction out of half of the dolts in any room is say "typical liberal response" or "typical conservative response". You're well trained.

Ring the bell, doggy salivates. Good old Pavlov. He was smart enough to use dogs to show what humans would do, if manipulated and trained correctly.

Hilary is on the radio telling a room full of people in Ohio that their soil is killing them right as I type this, and nobody is interrupting her saying "WTF?" Trump is babbling about himself. These are the two "best" idiots we can find to run the Executive Branch of our bloatware government?

Probably not. But their supporters are well trained. Woof. Ding. Drool.

Political discourse, like so much else in our modern world, has devolved into pushing positions rather than exploring the underlying issues, values, principles, and so forth. That was the main reason I stopped going to the SZ months before it was shut down. It wasn't even that I was offended. It was just getting too damned boring. If I wanted party-line talking points I could have gotten them from the respective propaganda mills.

ROFLMAO. Right. Partisans of both favors absolutely love that crap.

I don't recall any left wingers here whining and pizzing and moaning about the SZ going away.

I don't recall any left wingers here picking up their toys and stomping out of the PoA sandbox when the SZ went away.

I doubt that left wingers here were involved in setting up pilotspin or almost immediately calling Mari a dyke over there.

I can't recall the last time I saw a left winger take a blatant political stab in a non-political PAFlyer, Ben, and others regularly do here (drives me just as crazy when they do though). Steingar could occasionally but I haven't seen it in a while.

Is all the above simply because right wingers outnumber left wingers here by at least 10 to 1? I don't know, maybe.
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@jason asked nicely that this thread not turn into political bashing.

Closed pending MC review.
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