Another use for duct tape!


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
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Right Seater
I thought about putting this in Medical Topics, but that didn't seem quite right.

And I'm not sure if I first read about this here on POA or elsewhere, but I have used it for this several times and each time I was amazed at how well it works.

I was working in the yard to day and something stung or poked me right through the leather gloves. It started to hurt pretty bad so I quit working and took the glove off. My finger was really sore but I couldn't see a splinter or thorn or stinger or anything. So I wrapped a piece of duct tape around the finger kind of tight and let it sit for about an hour. When I took the tape off, whatever it was that was hurting must have come off too because the finger is fine. I've done this a few times and it has worked every time.