Another up and comer TV show?

The only time I see the History Channel is when I'm traveling, because we only have very basic cable at home.
I hope that the shows does well, and that he makes a crap-ton of money, and keeps your daughter in a style we would all aspire to. (Maybe buy his Father- In -Law a nice go places plane. :wink2:)

I know his has nothing to do with your Son-in-Law, but how in the world can they continue to call that the "History Channel"????

It's nothing but "reality' shows anymore.
Ice Road Truckers
Axe Men
ad nauseum.....

Not a peep about history anymore.
Wasn't he involved with one of the mountain men shows?
The only time I see the History Channel is when I'm traveling, because we only have very basic cable at home.
I hope that the shows does well, and that he makes a crap-ton of money, and keeps your daughter in a style we would all aspire to. (Maybe buy his Father- In -Law a nice go places plane. :wink2:)

I know his has nothing to do with your Son-in-Law, but how in the world can they continue to call that the "History Channel"????

It's nothing but "reality' shows anymore.
Ice Road Truckers
Axe Men
ad nauseum.....

Not a peep about history anymore.

true that ... !!! I suspect you can watch the episodes online ... they did that with Mountain Men (see below)

re: money ... like everything, he works for a production company, who then sells the show to (in this case - History Channel) so there's a lot of hands in the pot come pay-day.

When he worked on a number of different hunting shows, I tried to beg my way into those ... key grip, wrangler, guide, gunsmith, pilot, luggage wrangler, general gofer, chef, cook and bottle washer, head coffee chef and pot tipper ... nada, nuthin' no way ... :( lol

Wasn't he involved with one of the mountain men shows?

yep - 1st co-producer job for him on that show ... he was very involved in the initial story line, interviewing and working with the 1st season folks, etc.
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There's a bunch of History Channel shows now that are VERY disappointing because there's not much history in them just a bunch of reality crap. Should be called the soap opera network if they continue this trend but I guess that's what people want nowadays. Legalized pot and reality TV - the dumbing down of America. It should be pretty easy for Washington to pass anything if everyone's stoned and worried about scripted reality.
yeah ... uh, thanks. But what did you think about the clips I asked about? Interesting or no?
Don't like it as well as Vikings, also on the History Channel. Mrs. Steingar likes American Pickers, broadcast by the HC as well. That at least has some connection to history.