Another shutdown casualty: acrobatic waivers


Management Council Member
Jul 31, 2007
Catawba, NC
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Due to the government shutdown, the aerobatic waiver for the Culpeper Air Fest on Saturday, October 12, has not been issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. This will have the effect of significantly scaling down the scope of the Air Fest to non aerobatic performances.
Due to the government shutdown, the aerobatic waiver for the Culpeper Air Fest on Saturday, October 12, has not been issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. This will have the effect of significantly scaling down the scope of the Air Fest to non aerobatic performances.


If no one is working at the FAA to issue the waiver, is there anyone working at the FAA to enforce an illegal aerobatic show?:dunno:;)

If no one is working at the FAA to issue the waiver, is there anyone working at the FAA to enforce an illegal aerobatic show?:dunno:;)


Even if the FAA opens, it's still FAA's fault for not issuing an aerobatic waiver.
Screw air shows. Nobody at the FAA is signing off aircraft for conformity checks. That means real life businesses own and pay for aircraft that can't fly revenue until the politicians stop playing games.
Due to the government shutdown, the aerobatic waiver for the Culpeper Air Fest on Saturday, October 12, has not been issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. This will have the effect of significantly scaling down the scope of the Air Fest to non aerobatic performances.

We have let the tyrants win. How long until we can't go to the bathroom if the government is shut down.
If you live in 1100 and the King says anyone who hunts deer shall be executed for killing the Kings deer and then the King dies, would anyone run right out and hunt deer? People are hesitant to break former rules. Habit thing. Besides, just because you can't get the service doesn't make the requirement go away.
If you live in 1100 and the King says anyone who hunts deer shall be executed for killing the Kings deer and then the King dies, would anyone run right out and hunt deer? People are hesitant to break former rules. Habit thing. Besides, just because you can't get the service doesn't make the requirement go away.
If it was a matter of life and death, there would be venison on the table whether the king was dead or alive.
If you live in 1100 and the King says anyone who hunts deer shall be executed for killing the Kings deer and then the King dies, would anyone run right out and hunt deer? People are hesitant to break former rules. Habit thing. Besides, just because you can't get the service doesn't make the requirement go away.

Government "of the people" has become King.