Another possible scam?


Line Up and Wait
Apr 8, 2011
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Now in SW Florida
I Want Your Service for Private Flight Instruction Training Anthony Williams Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 2:25 PM
Good day,
May i bother a little with some questions on how to get my little boy trained, on how to fly planes, helicopter etc. I want him to start from initial flight instruction through to advance. While these are going on i will like you to maintain the highest standards of professionalism in all aspects of flight training and aircraft maintenance including safety, academic content, flight operations and administration.
Can you please state how long it will take to provide him with fixed wing airplane and helicopter flight instruction on Airplanes, Single-Engine, Multi-Engine, Instrument Instruction and cost per hour with your availability.

I will also like to inform you that i am not in haste, i just want know how you will be able to train him to become a pilot at your pace. I don't care how much more or less time you spend on specific subjects that will prepare him to receive instruction that will count towards his pilot certificate as he takes his first step in the world of aviation.
Please advise me when he can start and a telephone number to reach you.

Ask this person if they have a cashiers check they want you to cash for much more than the value of your flight training services and if God bless you could help them with cashing it -

Or perhaps their Uncle is the Botswanan Oil Minister and he has several oil wells to give away . . .
I've received similar emails.

Most conservative action? Ignore them.

If in doubt, ask for a check as a retainer. Once it clears, you would at least have that.

A shame if a real student's goals are being thwarted, but I think its very unlikely that that is the case.
A friend of mine advertises his CFI services on Craigslist. He got a similar email and didn't recognize the stupidity and tried to get me in on the instruction because he didn't have time. I read the email once and knew it was a fraud. The guy was a "doctor" born in the US and could'nt get a single sentence grammatically correct.

It sounded very similar to this, beware out there.
A cashiers check means squat. Many folks have found those to be forgeries. It's near impossible for an average person to verify these or even to be sure they have cleared (do not confuse funds availability at your bank with check clearance). It can take several weeks for a bogus check to return to your bank of deposit.
It's a scam, you can play with them if you're bored, but it's a scam. ;)
It's possible for bad guys to send you a legitmate looking fake check that will in fact clear your bank and the bank it's drawn on. They forge a check that has already cleared, so they have the right account numbers and a legit check number. It can take up to 60 days for the bogus check to be discovered by the victim, by that time you are victim number 2. You lose whatever money you got, and they get their's back! ;)
Yeah, I got the exact same e-mail at my flying club address.
Ya know, eventually Google Translate will be grammatically spot on and then we're all screwed.