Another pilot in the family


Line Up and Wait
Jul 2, 2007
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My 18 year old son passed his private check ride yesterday using the trusty old 172. Just like his older sister he finished it the day before he is to go back to college. My kids are the 4th generation in my family to fly. Sorry, no pictures (just another redhead) it was kind of dark when he finally got back to HUT.

My 18 year old son passed his private check ride yesterday using the trusty old 172. Just like his older sister he finished it the day before he is to go back to college. My kids are the 4th generation in my family to fly. Sorry, no pictures (just another redhead) it was kind of dark when he finally got back to HUT.


I meant to ask... where does he go to school?
That's great Kevin!!!!

Lucky kid. I wish my parents had been interested in flying.

Time for a complex and hiperf rating, might I suggest a PA46?!!!:wink2:
My son goes to Regis in Denver and has no interest in an aviation life of pain for a living.

I would love it if the kids would be interested in flying the Malibu, mom isn't so sure about that.
