Another new POAer


Line Up and Wait
Aug 24, 2007
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Ok, so I have lurked around here long enough. Time for me to introduce myself to the fine people of POA.

My name is Tony. I am 37 and live near Stagecoach Lake (hence the login name) which is near Steamboat Springs, Colorado. My home airport is SBS and/or HDN. I am lucky enough that my office is on the opposite ridge as SBS and at about the same level. I am nearer to the approach end and get to watch the varied aircraft that operate into and out of SBS. Everything from Citations, Hawkers, King Airs, Pilatus PC12s, all the way to Super Cubs and Tri Pacers (and of course the ubiquitous 172).

I have finally saved up enough to start training for my PPL. I will be fulfilling a lifelong dream. Like many of you, I was one of those kids with many airplane models hanging from the ceiling (my favorite was the McDonnell Douglas F-4E). I will be doing my training through a local community college that offers an Aviation Degree. They also offer flight training to the public (no degree), and this is what I am going to be taking advantage of.

My goals (dreams?) for aviation are to some day own my own plane. Possibly a Cessna 180 or even a Glastar Sportsman 2+2. I really like the idea of fly/camping into small backwoods airstrips. I realize that it will be some time before I am competent enough to fly into those places (Sparky Imeson recommends at least 150 hours first). I also see the need to take a mountain flying course pretty early in my flying career as I live smack dab in the middle of the mountains.

Anyway, I have been lurking for a few months, and I really like the sense of community that exists on this board. I also like the style of careful planned piloting that you folks seem to practice. This fits right in with the way that I want to conduct myself as a pilot.

Tony Borean
Student Pilot ASEL (ok, not really as I haven’t soled yet)

P.S. The dog is one of my Greyhounds, named Silly
Welcome aboard Tony, You can find a lot of help here if you need it. Good luck on your PPL.

Welcome Tony! I suspect that, living where you do, MANY of your early flights will be mini-mountain flying courses!
Tony, Welcome aboard!

If you can't have a job right at the airport, it's great you have a position where you can watch all the others have some fun. Steamboat is a pretty neat place between the "hills", skiing and a great airport. I understand you even host the occasional MD-80! :)
Welcome Tony, and good luck with your training.
Also you should join us in the chatroom, we are there most nights.
Welcome again
Dave G
Tony, Welcome aboard!

If you can't have a job right at the airport, it's great you have a position where you can watch all the others have some fun. Steamboat is a pretty neat place between the "hills", skiing and a great airport. I understand you even host the occasional MD-80! :)

I assume you are talking about the MD-80 that TWA mistakengly landed at the Craig Airport (CAG) 5600' runway) instead of Hayden (HDN 10,000' runway). You do, of course know what TWA stands for right? The Wrong Airport. At the time a TWA spokesperson said that they didn't know why the pilot made an unscheduled landing at CAG!
Welcome to Pilots of America, home of the Tony's. ;)
I assume you are talking about the MD-80 that TWA mistakenly landed at the Craig Airport (CAG) 5600' runway) instead of Hayden (HDN 10,000' runway). You do, of course know what TWA stands for right? The Wrong Airport. At the time a TWA spokesperson said that they didn't know why the pilot made an unscheduled landing at CAG!
Oops, that was Craig! I was just recalling the Steamboat area.

Considering a peon pilot like me keeps a VOR tuned in all the time, regardless of where I'm flying... why wouldn't they have the Hayden VOR tuned in? It's just a slight difference... one airport is West of the VOR and the other airport is East. An obvious case of spatial disorientation. :)
Oops, that was Craig! I was just recalling the Steamboat area.

Considering a peon pilot like me keeps a VOR tuned in all the time, regardless of where I'm flying... why wouldn't they have the Hayden VOR tuned in? It's just a slight difference... one airport is West of the VOR and the other airport is East. An obvious case of spatial disorientation. :)

It gets better. For VFR reference, one airport has a Powerplant to the West and the other has a Powerplant to the East...
Hey welcome Tony!! Best aviation forum on earth. Dont be shy. And go get that training. I got my PPL at 37 as well.
Welcome to PoA! Sounds like you have some good ideas on your plate for the future. My wife and I enjoy flying-and-camping, but unfortunately we haven't made it to any 'real' back-woods strips yet. Our most 'extreme' camping adventure was flying to Sidnaw, Michigan (6Y9) for Labor Day weekend last year. I'd really like to get out to Idaho/Colorado/Wyoming and do some camping, though.

I'll have to hide the pic of your greyhound from my wife - she is dead-set on rescuing a greyhound once we get settled down post-school. ;)

Welcome aboard!! :)
Welcome Aboard Tony!! Good luck on the quest for the PPL and an aircraft also. The 180 would probably be better for carrying Greyhounds IMHO.:) Here's a couple pics of my current possesed grehound Rudy. The squirrel is safe as long as he doesn't run!!


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Welcome Tony!! You are fortunate to live in a great part of the country. Best wishes on your PPL, we're here if you need us.
Ok, so I have lurked around here long enough. Time for me to introduce myself to the fine people of POA.
Welcome to POA from the other side of Colorado, Tony! Is Zephyr Helicopters still at SBS?
Man, this is the place. Welcome!

Look forward to hearing about your progress.

Some of us even meet face to face on occasion. Hope to meet you at an airport one day.
Welcome Tony. There are a lot of great pilots on this board that will help you over any humps in your training.

I believe one of our frequent posters (Ron L.) has some time in the F-4 when he was in the AF.
Welcome Tony. I started my private training when I was 38 and there's quite a number of us "Late Bloomers" around. In the last 17 years, I got my license AND bought a plane. It happens. Good luck.
Welcome, Tony! Glad to see a few more CO folks on board! How did you find us?

BTW, I was up in your neck of the woods in December - stayed at the lovely Craig Motel! Whooohooo - what a fine place that was!
Welcome, Tony! You'll find this group is very supportive.

There's definitely nothing wrong with having a long-term goal at this point, before having gotten significantly into your training. I know I got mine figured, and it hasn't changed yet (owning a twin - Piper Aztec is the way to go for me).

This is definitely a great place to get your questions answered, and find general pilot camaraderie.
Tony -- Welcome to the POA. forum. I know you will enjoy all that goes on on this board. I hope you can take a little good natured teasing, as some of that goes on. I don't know how long you have been listening on the side, but I have a few videos on As you said you would like to do some back country flying, I have a few short videos on the subject. Check the one out on flying into Big Creek Id. Enjoy. Bob
Welcome to POA from the other side of Colorado, Tony! Is Zephyr Helicopters still at SBS?

Yes, Zepher is still there. I see them buzzing around in their Robinson on VFR days (like this morning).
Welcome Aboard Tony!! Good luck on the quest for the PPL and an aircraft also. The 180 would probably be better for carrying Greyhounds IMHO.:) Here's a couple pics of my current possesed grehound Rudy. The squirrel is safe as long as he doesn't run!!

Thanks for the pics of your hound. I just got Silly this fall (she is the seconed greyhound I have had), so the local chipmunks haven't been introduced yet. She has quite the prey drive, so I think the chipmunks are going to be a bit upset this summer.
So Tony how did you hear about POA?

I think it was from a search engine. I had found, but thier forum is fairly slow. I searched for another aviation forum, and found the BEST one....
Tony -- Welcome to the POA. forum. I know you will enjoy all that goes on on this board. I hope you can take a little good natured teasing, as some of that goes on. I don't know how long you have been listening on the side, but I have a few videos on As you said you would like to do some back country flying, I have a few short videos on the subject. Check the one out on flying into Big Creek Id. Enjoy. Bob

Bob, I have been watching your videos as you have been posting them. Your type of flying is exactly what I want to be doing.
Bob, I have been watching your videos as you have been posting them. Your type of flying is exactly what I want to be doing.

Bob's pretty cool except for his smart-ass comments about lawyers. :D
I think it was from a search engine. I had found, but thier forum is fairly slow. I searched for another aviation forum, and found the BEST one....
While your taste is still questionable, your ability to suck up is quite good! :D
Tony---- Actually you will find that Spike is a good guy lawyer. Boy talk about an oxymoron. :D Bob
Welcome from Fort Collins. I lived in Kremmling for 5 years and enjoyed Steamboad a lot.

A friend in Durango finished his Glastar Sportsman last year. Quite a plane for 2 plus gear. If I considered building, I'd be looking at it.
Hi Tony, welcome to the best pilot forum on the net! The sense of community here is amazing!