Another Inside Look at Life in the White House



This isn't meant as political and should not be taken that way. It gives a broad overview of life in the White House for various presidents along with different tastes and such. One part is about the foods different presidents preferred. It's really pretty interesting.

Inside the Presidency
Few outsiders ever see the President's private enclave.

I love the line at the very end.

Most of all, there is a sense of home and history, coupled with the knowledge that a first family, however well cared for and fed, can only pass through. Or as one of the permanent household staff gently reminded Barbara Bush during her time as First Lady: "Presidents come and go. Butlers stay."
C-SPAN had a real good look at the behind the scenes of the White house recently. They looked at things closely that one may one see in a passing photo, like the books on the shelf in the Oval. They also got to go upstairs into the residence and see the part of the residence that only the family usually has access to. That included the treaty room, president's bedroom, and family dinning area. They even went up to the 3rd floor and visited the solarium.