Annual Dilemma & Some Irony

Good to hear you got it sorted out in the end!
I know this is kind of old but I thought I would post a update for anyone interested and/or helped. It took about a month to get it into the Avionics shop. So we just flew w/o the intercom until then.

The problem with the KMA24H was that a small piece of aluminum had shorted out the VOX circuit (and I think he meant inside the chassis). He told me that the our A&P never would have been able to detect this and hence never stood a chance. While there he said he verified all the wiring was good. He even commented on how good of a job the previous tech did when installing the equipment (which was about 15yrs ago). He also indicated that the wiring was indeed long enough for moving things down. It was just a matter of moving it did it. We had thought of pulling the KMA24H to carry into the shop but everything else was working. And we needed our transponder re-certified anyway. To be open about the final cost, it was about $575 total (A&P to move things and then the subsequent avionics repair cost).

In a way a lot of money for a permanent tablet mount. However, this location is proving to be excellent! Takes 2 seconds to install and nothing hanging on the windshield or above the yolk. On occasion the Android's built in GPS loses signal now underneath the glare shield. It never did that when I held it there by hand to evaluate the location change. So, I have a hunch the small delrin block I threaded it too is playing a role here. However, we use a GLO for my daughters iPad (no built in GPS) which has a second copy of the app as a backup. We are finding the GLO to lock in quicker and updates more quickly. It even locks on while in the hangar so no messing with apps or gadgets once its time to fly. It is also a awesome location for night flying....provided you install a night mode app. The Garmin app (on the Android) even using its own night mode is not dim enough. And now that it is cold, we leave two thin pairs of capacitive touch gloves in our gadget case - nice to have until it warms up inside.

Thanks again for all the help and suggestions.

Glad it all worked out, but in your case why not build one of those ADSB/AHRS/GPS boxes for the iPad instead?
Funny, I have all the parts for the "Stratux" in my Amazon wishlist. But my wife and I both really like the Garmin Pilot and knowing Garmin they would never allow this homebrew solution to eat into sales of their GDL39's (can't say as I blame them). Our backup copy of Garmin Pilot is on my daughter's iPad mini. We had tried both Foreflight and Garmin Pilot evaluations and we both liked Pilot more. However, I might build up a "Stratux" for a friend and if they like that solution (especially WX) maybe we'll have to switch then.

Also, I have a hunch people will starting selling used GDL39's at a decent price oneday....I'm watching. We have no strong interest in the AHRS/synthetic vision so a basic GDL39 would be good enough. Built in and ship's powered would be even better.
So what did they find wrong with the DME ??
Oops, forgot about the DME. Two problems.

First, the tray lock is broken on one side so it won't remain seated. So I need another tray.

Second, it powers up (draws power) on the bench but the display isn't showing anything. The shop we used doesn't work on Narco gear so I'm gonna drive the unit to the other shop in town to get an estimate.

I would be more motivated regarding the DME if we were using it a lot but we're not.