Animated History of Aviation


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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Just ran across this on the web. Kinda neat. A bit too condensed, but whatever... ;)

Nice video. I love how they put DA42 on the same list as Apollo 11's Lunar Module, I guess it's that important. :rofl:
Very well done animation.....BUT Amelia Erhardt, (who was more of a stuntpilot/headline grabber), but no X-1??? Comet, which admittedly was first but had a short tragic career, but no 707? DA 42 but no Cub??? :dunno:
They had Lillienthal but not Chanute. That's where they lost me, but I watched the rest nevertheless.
Neat, but kinda sad to see that we haven't made any major accomplishments in the last 40 years or so. :(
Yeah, I caught that link in an email the other day, nicely done; excellent production values.
It was made as an ad, hence all the cool looking stuff rather than the historically appropriate stuff. Very neat nonetheless.
What about helicopters and super sonic flight? Maybe the flight of the first jet airplane? Oh well, nice plug for Diamond.:rolleyes2: