Am I cold and heartless? ie Jerk?

Whatever happened to the cops(plural) that shot up random pickup trucks(plural) during the Dorner execution? Protect and serve is correct they just don't mention who they protect and serve.
Within the last week......women walking with her dad in D.C. He drops over. She runs across street to fire dept. and asks for help, " please help my dad! Please!" Fireman says can't as it's not a 911 call and besides the shift LT. Has to authorize it. Father died.
Within the last week......women walking with her dad in D.C. He drops over. She runs across street to fire dept. and asks for help, " please help my dad! Please!" Fireman says can't as it's not a 911 call and besides the shift LT. Has to authorize it. Father died.

Now that sucks.............:sad::sad::sad:
Since you want to play the "let me copy and paste a news story of a corrupt police officer", I bring you the "let me copy and paste what most of the headlines involing police say for last month".......

Yes there are corrupt police out there, but the majority are good people trying to keep the public safe.

Agreed.... I went to OSH with the sheriff of Teton County a couple of years ago and in that week I came to realize how decent and dedicated LEO's can be..... With that said....

My main concern is the vast amount of DHS money and equipment given the all the police agencies around the country. From the SWAT vehicles to the mobile command centers to huge sums paid to set up local fusion centers, and on and on..... One would like to think there would be NO implied "you wash my back , I will wash yours" going on.... But it is an insidious, subtle and overwhelming morphing of a federal police state. IMHO.... just a few bad apples. If the overwhelmingly good, honest cops can't stop a few bad apples how can we expect them to police the rest of the world?
I just lost a little more respect for LEO's...:(

I lost respect the day I was tackled and had a gun to my head for running across a street while said cop was raving to his partner calling me "the enemy".
:DI thought you were the enemy. What was wrong with his assessment?
It is true and it is sad. Big investigation going on. Look it up.

Wow...this is sad. Straight crappy, no common sense. I'm sure anyone of them could have opened a call for service by informing dispatch. Just sucks
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