Alien Crashes and NOTHING on NTSB Docket


Final Approach
Feb 22, 2005
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humans in a pen
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They're not here yet. When they come, they'll eat us. That's karma.
Even if you have a spaceship capable of light speed, where would you go? And what would you do when you get there? The reality is that outside of Earth even standing on another celestial body for a considerable time for humans is impossible, not to mention the trip itself. Just the isolation confinement for years will make you crazy. The practical and effective way of exploring space is by observation using sophisticated telescopes and sensors. For our solar system robotic missions are more effective than astronauts. No need to worry about humans limitations, robots can stay on the mission for years just feeding on sunlight or nuclear power. No need to come back home.

As for radio contact with aliens. That is the equivalent of someone in NY trying to hear a conversation in London with your own ears. And that is assuming the alien has it s antennas pointed to Earth, have a transmitter power of at least all the nuclear power plants on Earth, the same radio frequency and transmission originated at our reception time. Not to mention the language barrier.

Just like us any alien being will be closely attached to the planet enviroment that they are born and would very difficult for them to do interstellar travel also. It is in the same scale as an eagle trying to reach the moon.

Space is veeeery big and hostile for our life form. And space time is measured in thousands of years for our galaxy. If loneliness is when you can't reach or touch someone then we are alone in the universe.

Live long and prosper.

Pffft no worries our gov't monitors alien facebook for selfies taken approaching earth.
You also need a method of quantum communications, because the speed of light is too slow.

Actually light does not travel but propagates through the space medium in which us and the rest of the universe exist. Similar to sound waves in the ocean medium. We are limited by the space medium that makes the existence of the known universe. Just like the ocean makes possible the seaborn life in it.

Actually light does not travel but propagates through the space medium in which us and the rest of the universe exist. Similar to sound waves in the ocean medium. We are limited by the space medium that makes the existence of the known universe. Just like the ocean makes possible the seaborn life in it.


That's true. As we approach the speed of light, we become infinitely massive. (Some are well on their way.)

The solution therefore is to dissolve ourselves into quantum particles, because like light, there is no "travel," per se.
Why am I thinking about jack Nicholson in the campfire scene in easy rider?
Actually light does not travel but propagates through the space medium in which us and the rest of the universe exist. Similar to sound waves in the ocean medium. We are limited by the space medium that makes the existence of the known universe. Just like the ocean makes possible the seaborn life in it.


You still advocate luminiferous aether? How do you explain the Michelson & Morely result?
Why am I thinking about jack Nicholson in the campfire scene in easy rider?

Bart, haven't you considered the possibility of an alien fleet swallowed by a terrier?
The species that does not have the spirit and vision to explore deserves to wither and die.
The species that does not have the spirit and vision to explore deserves to wither and die.

So how come there are so many on Earth that has been longer than us here and still alive. Like cucarachas, turtles and a thousand others, are they explorers or just survivors?

As a ship approaches the speed of light, time slows down for the occupant. At one gee acceleration you would quickly experience the time dilation effect and cross the galaxy in about four years. Of course, when you returned to earth, several million generations would have passed.