alcoholism, dui's and medical

So if somebody has 2 DUIs within a three year period with the last conviction 14 months ago... they should go for light sport?

I think that someone who has that sort of recent history should abstain from flying aircraft. Would such a person still have their drivers license? or even be insurable to drive an automobile?

Get past the addiction issues. And yes. There are addiction issues.

Thats harsh, but for every time a DUI arrest occurs, there usually were a hundred other times that impaired driving occurred without arrest, which reinforces that behavior.

Yeah I agree with Doggyred that 2 DUIs in 36 months is a lot in a short period. I'm sure you really want to fly but I think the way to go is to get many years of sobriety under your belt first.
Yeah I agree with Doggyred that 2 DUIs in 36 months is a lot in a short period. I'm sure you really want to fly but I think the way to go is to get many years of sobriety under your belt first.

I worked for a guy who got 2 DUIs in 2 days and qualified for one every day. I quit at the end of the week. Drunks are annoying.
So you only have to report or defer for 0.15? What about the 0.08 - 0.14? Does an applicant still have to report those, and if so are you allowed to issue on site still? All relative to 3rd class.
For less than 0.15, the same porcess has to occur as above 0.15, but it can all happen in the AME office, the package sent to FAA while the certificate is issued- provided there is NO evidence of chronic dependency or abuse.

Most AMEs without HIMS training will simply defer those also, there's too much skin on the line for a medical practice.

The probability that there actually is a problem is quite high. But as to how the system works, I've described that pretty accurately.
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You can fly a motor glider with no physical. Those things can do quite a lot (and they don't have the altitude restriction of an LSA).
The question of whether LSA or gliders is acceptable for your purposes depends on what you want to do with your flying.
I fly my LSA cross country (though I am restricted to day VFR).
Don't discount LSA too quickly.
You can build an LSA (Sonex) for somewhere around $35k. You can buy LSA eligible standard certified planes as was mentioned earlier for even less. You may also see about a partnership.
Good luck.
Thank you for the advice.

As I stated in a previous discussion board it wasn't an alcohol crime it was sleep driving on ambien charged as a DUI.
Don't count out gliders.

edit: D'oh, I didn't read the post above mine closely enough. It's already been mentioned.
Perhaps in poor taste, but...


Sadly I had a real life AME / Pilot that was really like that. I'd drive the tug out to his 310 when he'dpull up and park the hood under his wing he'd roll//slide off onto. Many of the old WWII guys were like that. I knew some of them to keep a bottle in the plane and have cocktails enroute.
Sadly I had a real life AME / Pilot that was really like that. I'd drive the tug out to his 310 when he'dpull up and park the hood under his wing he'd roll//slide off onto. Many of the old WWII guys were like that. I knew some of them to keep a bottle in the plane and have cocktails enroute.

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