Airship over NSA data center...

Certainly not stealth, not in that hidious green. Local Fox news chopper is a hidious neon green with dark blue. I've been hoping they paint it since my glasses aren't dark enough to shut it out.
On the north side of the Albermarle Sound in NC is an airport that's said to be a secret CIA or NSA base. It is close to the tethered balloon in the area. I've been cautioned about overflying it but never saw any notams on it. I wonder if it's in Google maps.
They better be careful less they want to be audited, scanned, life history chronicled, credit tap, cell phone tap, microscoped, bent over and cavity searched for the rest of their unnatural lives. :yikes:
Yeah, prohibited airspace in 3,2,1....

"Why? What you got to hide?"
Certainly not stealth, not in that hidious green. Local Fox news chopper is a hidious neon green with dark blue. I've been hoping they paint it since my glasses aren't dark enough to shut it out.
On the north side of the Albermarle Sound in NC is an airport that's said to be a secret CIA or NSA base. It is close to the tethered balloon in the area. I've been cautioned about overflying it but never saw any notams on it. I wonder if it's in Google maps.

Yes, it is on Google maps. It is located about 12mi. east of KEDE, which I fly into regularly. It was used by SEAL team six to train for the raid on Bin Laden. R-5201 and-2 surround it but it is usually inactive and easy to circumvent. Not that secret. And if you look at the appropriate sectional the balloon is actually tethered just south of KECG (Elizabeth City), a dual use civilian/CG airport. I have never seen the balloon.
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