

Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 22, 2008
mass fla
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ron keating
I have purchased a liberty xl2 certified aircraft ,as i am retired and am on a quest to see how many airports i can land at. Has anyone done trips like this thanks Ron
Great little plane! I got about 14 hrs in one for instrument training. Unfortunately she broke (FADEC) just before checkride and had to fly a PA-28 instead.

I think the coolest airports I've been to are down in Florida, Texas and California. Can't go wrong in those States. The XL2 is a great cross-country bird with decent range, decent speed, wide cabin and a great view.

Have fun!
I have purchased a liberty xl2 certified aircraft ,as i am retired and am on a quest to see how many airports i can land at. Has anyone done trips like this thanks Ron

Search AOPA and the web for articles of pilots hitting all 48 states with their LSA. It's been done.

But it's always nicer when you know you've done it too.
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LIberty XL2 is no LSA, it is a real certificated aircraft, one I've lusted after. Go for it, sounds like a great trip. I'd have a time just landing at all the airports in my state.
Hitting all 50 states is hard. See my signature line? I'm missing 2 States in that mess...can ya guess which two?
Thanks for the support .Have done most of Ma Conn RI and have done all the states in the northeast ,spend winter in Fla and am working on all the airports in the state,branching out to texas and southeast.Thanks Ron
If you make it to NWOhio let me know! We have a pretty decent 4 runway airport (KTDZ) for all the nit pickers - 2 strips of pavement that is 4 possibilities to land.
I like landing at different airports. I fly with a chart handy and if I see an airport or town name that sounds interesting I just drop in. I've got a little over 600 different landing sites so far. Many are pretty quiet but sometimes you run into some really interesting people and things.

If you haven't done so yet, check out Help us "claim" airports all over. Do a short writeup on the places you land. I enjoy reading what people say about the different airports.
At atw for osh got a few more new airports for my list on the way
What I did in a C150 was

Fly along Route 66 from St. Louis to Oceanside, CA
Fly to Canada and then trace out the 99th longitude line south to Mexico (I ended my flight at Brady, TX)
Follow the southern route to West coast (I-10, I-8)
Fly along the Gulf Coast, starting from Galveston, TX to Key West, and then back up to First Flight, NC (toward the end there gets to be a lot of restricted space) had to divert inland.

Lots of stuff I still want to do -- trace out the Mississippi River, etc for the Missouri River and Ohio River
Follow I-70 and I-80 from mid-west to West Coast
Picked up four more airports on the way to and from osh. The saber continues.
Ron, this sounds like an excellent ongoing adventure- keep us posted on where you go, and where you're headed. Here at PoA, you'll ind a lot of folks who will enjoy meeting you, and some are even good for a free lunch or a place to lay your weary head.
Getting ready to go south again. looking at dayton and then heading south to Fla looking for airports with food on the way Thanks Ron
Getting ready to go south again. looking at dayton and then heading south to Fla looking for airports with food on the way Thanks Ron

40I is a great little airport just south of Dayton, one of the most active grass fields you will find!

Hey, go to the NAA (, get your competition license, and then do something like landing at every public use airport in your state (if you're in a small one). You now will likely have a new LSA record.
Hey, go to the NAA (, get your competition license, and then do something like landing at every public use airport in your state (if you're in a small one). You now will likely have a new LSA record.
XL2 is not an LSA.
Thanks getting tired of being called lsa or experimental.Love my liberty may try to get to toledo depending on weather.
You should! We use to have one but sold it to a guy in Cadillac, MI. Just wasn't useful for a club. :) PM 24 hours notice if you're coming this way.
Thanks getting tired of being called lsa or experimental.Love my liberty may try to get to toledo depending on weather.

It's an ultralight, correct? :D
XL2 is not an LSA.
OK, then look up what class it is in and I suspect in most states there isn't a record yet. Someone just did Michigan a couple of years ago. I got to the awards dinner (volunteer NAA staff, dates back to the day when I helped the Smithsonian curator who lugged the Collier and Mackay trophies out from the museum for the event, but now he has a staff so mostly I do registration work...get to meet all sorts of interesting people).
Just picked up several more airports on a trip from mass to Ohio then south to fla visited both the airforce and naval air museum back working on the fla airports. Total now 183 us airports as pic
Going to OSH again this year. Up to 192 airports have over 30 in Fla. planning a trip tp ak next June will update as I get closer to date.
Michael Combs did an "all the states tour" in a Remos Light sport:

So doing it in your Liberty would be a great adventure.

If you make it to North Texas, plan on stopping by to share some of your stories!
Well at OSH again picked up a few more airports on the wasn't great so used airports with good approaches .The more airports I stop at the more I enjoy aviation.
Have 200 airports after returning from OSH can't wait to head to Fla for another cross country going to stay inland towards Atlanta for a change.Thanks for all the support.