Airport noise

Ken Ibold

Final Approach
Feb 21, 2005
Jacksonville, Florida
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Ken Ibold
We recently moved to Jacksonville, and while airport access was a concern the biggest criteria for what part of town we'd live in was driven by my wife's workplace and the kids' schools. So we got this nice house in a nice neighborhhood and then, while sorting through the boxes in the garage early on day two, I heard it, that wonderful drone of a piston single overhead. It was a LongEZ/Velocity overhead at 1,000 feet. Turns out we're very close to the extended runway centerline of 32 at Craig, but 5-6 miles out. Since then, I have been attuned to being serenaded by piston singles. I love it!! My wife rolled her eyes when I said that, with a patronizing "OK, honey."

According to the airport's VFR noise abatement plan, 32 is preferred for takeoff and intersecting 05 is preferred for landing, weather permitting. That's fine, as it will keep the neighbors happy. But when weather requires landing on 32, I don't mind at all!
Ken Ibold said:
We recently moved to Jacksonville, and while airport access was a concern the biggest criteria for what part of town we'd live in was driven by my wife's workplace and the kids' schools. So we got this nice house in a nice neighborhhood and then, while sorting through the boxes in the garage early on day two, I heard it, that wonderful drone of a piston single overhead. It was a LongEZ/Velocity overhead at 1,000 feet. Turns out we're very close to the extended runway centerline of 32 at Craig, but 5-6 miles out. Since then, I have been attuned to being serenaded by piston singles. I love it!! My wife rolled her eyes when I said that, with a patronizing "OK, honey."

According to the airport's VFR noise abatement plan, 32 is preferred for takeoff and intersecting 05 is preferred for landing, weather permitting. That's fine, as it will keep the neighbors happy. But when weather requires landing on 32, I don't mind at all!

You may have to sue. IME, living below the practice area for my airport, I find I frequently get a neck crick from looking up :D

Funny, pilots can't get enough of watching the planes. Everyone else runs screaming from near airport property.

Jim G
Ken. Start a committee to close the airport, ala "Stop the Noise". Hire your wife to sue the airport for your distractions. How could they build an airport near YOUR house??? Oh, yeah, the airport was there first. Sue anyway, you never know what will happen when a jury gets involved!

P.S. "I think we have a case here". (said in my best lawyer voice)

Hanging out with pilots is the only time it's not rude to interrupt a conversation to look up to see whatever is passing by. Even if it's 30,000' above you, pilots all still look up.
Anthony said:
Hire your wife to sue the airport for your distractions. How could they build an airport near YOUR house???
Yeah! That's it! I can tell my clients/bosses: Sorry I missed that deadline, but I was busy looking out the window at all of the cool airplanes overhead. And then when I lose the contract(s) I have damages to collect. And since it was an organized effort, I can apply RICO and triple my damages...
Thank goodness for people like you, Ken. Now if the neighbors complain about the noise you will be there for "our side."

That airport was there long before that neighborhood was.
That's so funny. I can relate, Ken. I live directly under the approach path for 24 at ISP, the one they most often use. I am forever looking up to see what's coming in, see if I can identify it, and judge the height of the ceiling. I have my Field Guide to Airplanes of North America sitting right by my Peterson's Field Guide to Birds of North America, near the front door. Last night I was sitting on the front step with my daughter, telling her some story about my day, and I heard a plane overhead. Of course, I stopped and looked up. She cracked up. She said, "You ALWAYS do that."

Enjoy your new home.
Ahh airport negihbours, interesting breed. I live on the cross wind for departure on 6 @ KLOM. I LOVE it. When I have a BBQ with pilot friends we all stop the conversation when something anything flies over we are always looking up.

I have an "Acvtivist" neighbour about 1/4-1/3 a mile away ( 1/4-1/3 of a mile further from the airport) The complain about their house being rattled by the planes. Huh? Rattled by a 172 or a Lance? @ 1000' I can't hear them from inside my house how can they further away. They are always moaning its a releiver airport for PHL. They insist that means if it gets to busy at PHL they are going to land 737s or an A319 or something.

BTW Bitc*ing in my town evenly crossed party lines. Unfortunatly I guess something the Rs and Ds agree upon. I wish they agreed upon something else.
I became quite the joke among my geology field camp students. Every time an airplane went overhead, I would look up, without missing a beat in my lecture. I didn't even realize I was doing it until the students started making fun of me. It was pretty funny. The department used to put on skits at a student conference, and in one, they had someone playing me and making airplane sounds and staring at the sky. I got this secondhand because I had to be out of town; one my great regrets is to have missed that, although I might have keeled over from laughing so hard, so maybe it's just as well.

I live just south of the south pattern at Deer Valley in Phoenix. It's the busier of the two runway patterns and I'm ALWAYS looking up. I'm especially attentive when I hear the throaty roar of a radial!

What's funny is that my DOG does it now! She especially likes the lower flying helicopters that come in. She'll stop what she's doing, look up, watch them go by and continue on her way. Funny to watch.
I live near Centennial (APA) and see planes flying over my house all the time. I especially like Adam 1, the new in-line twin from Adam Aircraft. It is a very cool looking airplane.
BillG said:
Hanging out with pilots is the only time it's not rude to interrupt a conversation to look up to see whatever is passing by. Even if it's 30,000' above you, pilots all still look up.
Isn't that the truth. Why is it we all do that?
AdamZ said:
Ahh airport negihbours, interesting breed. I live on the cross wind for departure on 6 @ KLOM. I LOVE it. When I have a BBQ with pilot friends we all stop the conversation when something anything flies over we are always looking up.

I have an "Acvtivist" neighbour about 1/4-1/3 a mile away ( 1/4-1/3 of a mile further from the airport) The complain about their house being rattled by the planes. Huh? Rattled by a 172 or a Lance? @ 1000' I can't hear them from inside my house how can they further away. They are always moaning its a releiver airport for PHL. They insist that means if it gets to busy at PHL they are going to land 737s or an A319 or something.

BTW Bitc*ing in my town evenly crossed party lines. Unfortunatly I guess something the Rs and Ds agree upon. I wish they agreed upon something else.

I've got an idea Adam. When our R22 comes out of maintenance, let's you and me fly it over his house :yes:
RotaryWingBob said:
Isn't that the truth. Why is it we all do that?
I always immediately think about who's flying the plane and wonder if he/she is enjoying this beautiful day and the scenery. If it's an airliner, I don't think about the passengers, just the pilots. We look up because there's someone up there who has something important in common with us.
RotaryWingBob said:
I've got an idea Adam. When our R22 comes out of maintenance, let's you and me fly it over his house :yes:

Oh yeah! I like that idea Bob!:rolleyes: heh heh heh just sit there and hover :rofl:
In 1993 I was looking at houses in Hurst (near Fort Worth). I took my mother with me - she likes looking for new houses, I don't :no:

Anyway as the realtor is showing us the nice little house in Hurst, a three ship formation of Bell JetRangers flew over at a pretty low altitude. The realtor stopped what she was saying and said "Oh yeah, I guess I should warn you we are a couple of blocks away from the Bell Helicopter plant and there is a LOT of helicopters flying over all the time. I'd be happy to show you something else if you want." Before I could respond, my mother pipes in, "Are you kidding lady, because of that you probably just made a sale!" She did. I ended up buying the house and I used to love to sit out on my back porch and watch the daily helicopter airshows. :D
Why do you guys think I live right where I do- just below power reduction abeam the numbers, left traffic 17 3MY :)
Jann's condo is about a mile downrange under runway 16 at Palwaukee. I LOVE watching the comings and goings. The commuter train station is even closer. I watch the planes from the station. A lotta bizjets.

There was the time I was on the train a creeping along a few minutes out and through the window saw a 172 turn downwind, base, and then descend on final for 34 almost into a 182 below it. I SCREAMED! It went around and I think it never came back.
I wish I lived closer to the airport than I do. As it is, I live under the approach path for Runway 26 at KABQ. Unfortunately, the winds don't usually favor that runway, and when it does, I am far enough away to where I hear the roar of the plane, but its usually a commercial jet that is way too high to fully enjoy.

My next residence will be closer to one of the airports here.
mikea said:
Jann's condo is about a mile downrange under runway 16 at Palwaukee. I LOVE watching the comings and goings.

I just heard the unmistakable roar of powerful radial engines. It must be the Lima-Lima team!

I looked about to see about 32 T-6s fly overhead and south to Palwaukee in a double double-diamond formation. Oh Yeah! There was going to be an airshow at Palwaukee!

They turned to the east just in time to miss the O'Hare Class B south of PWK. :p
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Watching the various seaplanes from my deck on approach or climbout; Beavers, Turbine Otters, and the occasional airlileners on the backcourse for SeaTac -is this a great country or what ?
NickDBrennan said:
I wish I lived closer to the airport than I do. As it is, I live under the approach path for Runway 26 at KABQ. Unfortunately, the winds don't usually favor that runway, and when it does, I am far enough away to where I hear the roar of the plane, but its usually a commercial jet that is way too high to fully enjoy.

My next residence will be closer to one of the airports here.

I may get to fly over your house a few times today, then... I go to ABQ twice this afternoon, the last one to stay. If we use 26, I'll try to make a little extra noise for ya. :goofy:
We live about 3/4 mile from Cashmere (8S2) but the house is on a hill and the airport is in the valley behind the hill. So, most times, we don't hear much. However, there are the pilots that like to make an extended downwind and go round the backside of the hill to a mile long final. That means they fly over the house about 200-300 feet above me, and if they're sightseeing over the river, at eye level. (Or below!)
Extended downwind or left base for 15 from Addison. Frequently have planes flying over after departure going east or headed in.

Actually, my hanger is on the south west side of Addison. Plenty of times I've just socialized and watched planes approach or depart. The Cavanaugh flight museum is here and they run the war birds every Sunday to exercise 'em.


Unfortunately these types of people don't feel the same way. Open the link and listen to the beautiful sound of an aircraft engine flying overhead. I love motorcycles and have no axe to grind with them, but most Harleys are way louder and sometimes startle me in traffic or as a pedestrian. However, I'm not advocating banning Harleys, I like 'em.

These people need to GET A LIFE, like many other "activists".
FedEx (who I used to work for) was going to put a hub at RDU a few years back, but everyone who lived near the airport opposed of it. Mostly they were people from CARY. Concentrated Area of Relocated Yankees. They were afraid they wouldn't be able to sleep at night. WHATEVUH!!!! Their wish was granted, because FedEx put thier hub somewhere else. I mean having the hub at RDU could have brought lots of money into the area. Its like I want to say, the airport was here before you bought your house & you knew it, so GET OVER IT!!!!!
Thanks for posting the link, Anthony, I have now become sufficiently adjutated to raise my BP in excess of the level allowed by the FAA.Grrrrrr. I love the qoute from Thomas Paine's Commonsense. It is like the Old Communist Russian revision of history. Don't these folks know that Paine wrote commonsense to encourage peopel to pursue freedoms.
These folks qoute it on their web site and are trying to give it a totally different meaning. I also think that they distorted what Phil Boyer was saying in his letter that they posted. Also have you noticed that they have a section on their site where they list pilots who agree with thier cause. That section of the site is blank.
Finally, I haven't heard it here yet but I do expect it. THIS AIN'T A LAWYER THING! It is a numnut thing. GRRRRRRRRR
AdamZ said:
Thanks for posting the link, Anthony, I have now become sufficiently adjutated to raise my BP in excess of the level allowed by the FAA.Grrrrrr. Finally, I haven't heard it here yet but I do expect it. THIS AIN'T A LAWYER THING! It is a numnut thing. GRRRRRRRRR

Sorry Adam, take a Diovan. :)

I don't think anyone will blame the evil, greedy lawyers on this one. And I think the evil, greedy corporations will get a pass too. :)
Oh yeah this one is funny. One night I was taking a ground school at the airport near my house (its closed now) and the phone rang. The instructor was outside, so I decided so provide a little "customer service" and answer the call. It was some lady asking "When do the airplanes at this airport stop flying?" I told her "There is no set time when the airplanes stop flying. They come in when they need to and there are a few students logging night time right now." (Lady) "Well the airport was ALWAYS quiet at night!!!" (Me) "How long have you been living at your address?" (Lady) "6 <bleeping> months." (Me) "The airport was here before you bought your house, and there are signs saying the airport is on this road, so get over it and have a goodnight." Then I hung up.

People like that really urk me.
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I have a friend who bought a house a few years ago not more than a mile off the departure end of 32 at Craig, and started bit$#*ing at me about the low flying airplanes. I have no sympathy for the guy as the airport was there long before he was even born for cryin' out loud. I was over at his house one day when a Beech Starship flew directly overhead landing on rnwy 14. It got the 'ole heart going that's for sure.
RotaryWingBob said:
Isn't that the truth. Why is it we all do that?

There is a golf course with a long Par 5 hole that is immediately adjacent to runway 14-32 at Craig. I was playing there awhile back with some non-pilot friends and while we were waiting for the threesome in front of us to tee off, I was naturally watch the activity at the airport. I began to hear a growling sound approaching rnwy 14 and when I looked up I saw a red nosed mustang nose low and fast! I instictively yelled LOOK! and my friend ducked for cover thinking he was about to get smacked by a golf ball. It was " Sizzlin Liz " a P-51D based at CRG on a 360 degree approach! He came down the runway and peeled up in a right hand turn for 14. Dropped flaps and gear and made the prettiest landing I've ever seen. My friends of course thought i was nuts. In reality...I was joyous!
:D :D