Airport annoyance


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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So on 1 Oct I moved my airplane to a new airport closer to my house. The cost of the hanger was the same as what I was paying at my old airport. I have been wanting to move soley to have the plane closer as I really love 10C-Galt airport. It is a great place with great people. The new airport, 3CK-Lake in the Hills, is a bit colder personality wise. More traffic, jets, city owned. But more instrument approaches and like I said much closer to my house.

Today I get this notice from LITH:

10/10/11 8 am to 4 pm
7 pm to 5 am

10/11/11 8 am to 4 pm
7 pm to 5 am

10/12/11 8 am to 4 pm
7 pm to 5 am

10/13/11 8 am to 4 pm

10/17/11 8 am to 4 pm

10/18/11 8 am to 4 pm

10/19/11 8 am to 4 pm

10/20/11 8 am to 4 pm

10/21/11 8 am to 4 pm

10/24/11 8 am to 4 pm

10/25/11 8 am to 4 pm

10/26/11 8 am to 4 pm

10/27/11 8 am to 4 pm

SIGH! I move close and the airport is closed most of the month except for a few hours each day. I suppose I could fly in the middle of the night? :D
SIGH! I move close and the airport is closed most of the month except for a few hours each day. I suppose I could fly in the middle of the night? :D

What was the reason given for the closure?
Wait, WHAT??? That's crazy!

Is it NOTAM'd closed, or just the fellers in the FBO won't be there?
Wait, WHAT??? That's crazy!

Is it NOTAM'd closed, or just the fellers in the FBO won't be there?
According to the email I got this is runway closed and NOTAMs will be issued.

Who knows why they need all this time and what they are doing. A new taxiway is being built and they will need to hook that up to the existing runway. But that should not take as much time as they are indicating. The new taxiway is almost done now and is as big as the runway! Not quite as long, but as wide! They got money from the state and feds to do airport improvements so making a new taxiway that can accommodate larger jets is what they opted to do for the GA community. :rolleyes:
Well then if in future someone lands gear up on the runway then the taxiway can maybe serve as a parallel runway.....
BTW, does this move mean that you'll no longer be the ASN volunteer for Galt? I know they're going through some troubling financial times right now.
Some airports make more effort to coordinate operations with construction than others. Without knowing just what they are doing, there is no way to form an opinion of how much effort they are making.
BTW, does this move mean that you'll no longer be the ASN volunteer for Galt? I know they're going through some troubling financial times right now.
I am not sure how that will all work out. For the time being I will remain the ASNV for 10C. But if someone were to step forward or the management at 10C asks me to step down I will relinquish the position. There is already a ASNV for 3CK so I cannot just transfer.
The runway at KOKV (WInchester) is closed for about 3 months to revamp the safe areas and runway lighting. It was one of the few airports outside of and on the west side of the SFRA that has an ILS.

The ILS is shut down.

2500' of taxiway is available for *based aircraft only* and *day VFR only*.
I am not sure how that will all work out. For the time being I will remain the ASNV for 10C. But if someone were to step forward or the management at 10C asks me to step down I will relinquish the position. There is already a ASNV for 3CK so I cannot just transfer.
Gotcha. I tried getting you the AOPA ASNV bag at Summit, but it was only for those who were there..

On the original topic, our airport manager is working with the contractor to minimize the runway outage when we redo our runway. Unfortunately, the new runway is going to be largely where the existing unofficial grass runway is, so using it during construction really won't be an option. That said, they're going to try to work on one side of the runway or the other and minimize impact on the busy flight school.