Airport access from private property


Pattern Altitude
Mar 11, 2005
Southwest Missouri
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As some of you know I am relocating and have been looking at property. I found a bank repo today that borders the airport property. There is about an acre of ground with it and there is enough room to build a hangar. I was wondering if there is a FAA regulation that would prohibit me from accessing the airport property from this property? The is no fence and there would be no interference with normal traffic. With the airport being owned by the city, would they be able to grant permission? I searched the FAA website, but couldn't find anything related to this.
As some of you know I am relocating and have been looking at property. I found a bank repo today that borders the airport property. There is about an acre of ground with it and there is enough room to build a hangar. I was wondering if there is a FAA regulation that would prohibit me from accessing the airport property from this property? The is no fence and there would be no interference with normal traffic. With the airport being owned by the city, would they be able to grant permission? I searched the FAA website, but couldn't find anything related to this.

Seems to me this would be entirely up to the airport's owner(s). If I were you I'd bring this up with the owner and be prepared with ideas about how this might benefit the airport (e.g. you'd be buying gas there, might pay a fee for access, wouldn't add to the demand for hangar space etc)
I was talking with someone from the Illinois Dept. of Aeronautics last week. He said publicly that the FAA really doesn't like "through the fence" operations, partly because there is then no assurance that the people are following airport rules, etc. That said, just because they don't like it doesn't mean that it is forbidden, so you may be able to get permission from the city. However, be aware that the FAA, the TSA, or others could force the city to rescind that permission. They could do that by financial incentive, e.g. making is a stipulation of some sort of grant, or by fiat, such as declaring that airports must be securely fenced in and only officially authorized tenants be permitted access or something similar. Not saying it's going to happen; merely that it's a possibility and risk to be aware of.
That link is out of date. The FAA is forming a new approach that essentially poisons through-the-fence access. I don't have an online link to this, the only source I have is what's happening at 77S. There's a pre-existing TTF user and a new one, and the FAA has sent a letter indicating that future TTF access represents 'incompatible land use' and that they will suspend public funding (like AIF) to airports that disregard their wishes. Additionally, they've indicated that any existing TTF users can only maintain their access if they are assess a fee that is 'equivalent to on-airport users'. It's pretty draconian, but that's the way things are going.

If the airport doesn't accept any public funding, then it doesn't apply, but...
If it's a small airport that still provides a service to local pilots as well as any transient pilot who comes through, why would it even matter? Are they that afraid some pilot is going to be a threat by pulling his plane out of a hangar onto the taxiway?
Dean, there was a problem with someone who did that at LLU. They built a hangar and had a grass taxiway access directly connected to the runway. I don't know the particulars, but for some reason, the FAA decided they didn't like it and the city told the guy he couldn't use it anymore. If you want more info I'll see if I can get it from Zach.
Dean, there was a problem with someone who did that at LLU. They built a hangar and had a grass taxiway access directly connected to the runway. I don't know the particulars, but for some reason, the FAA decided they didn't like it and the city told the guy he couldn't use it anymore. If you want more info I'll see if I can get it from Zach.

Thanks Diana, see what you can find out. I know there is a private owned hangar on the property next to the old FBO building(LLU) and he accesses the airport using the taxiway.
Spike has some familararity with " Through the Fence " Operations PM him or perhaps he'll chime in.
Thanks Diana, see what you can find out. I know there is a private owned hangar on the property next to the old FBO building(LLU) and he accesses the airport using the taxiway.
Oh, that building. That's where we got married. :D

The one I'm talking about is on the east side. The one where the TriPacer blew off the runway and hit the hangar roof and then bounced off that and dove into the storage building.
I wonder if you build your hangar directly bordering the airport property and made buddies with the airport management and city council if you could talk them into 'purchasing' the property that the hangar is built on (building area only) from you and then 'leasing' it back to you (i.e. $10 purchase, and $1 lease for 10 years).

If the FAA is going to be anal about something like that at a po-dunk airport, I'm sure there are ways to work the local system to make it 'legit' on paper.
The ASN volunteer for ADS (Addison, TX) is as expert on "through-the-fence" operations and regulations as any person currently breathing air. PM me with an email address, and I'll pass it along so you guys can correspond about it.

The FAA does not encourage them, but they do not prohibit them either. The access must be designed and administered such that it does not compromise the safety and security of the field, the terms must be non-discriminatory. The "fees" referenced are such that the TTF operator should not have an unfair advantage over the on-field businesses.
The one where the TriPacer blew off the runway and hit the hangar roof and then bounced off that and dove into the storage building.

OK, I know which one you are talking about now. Its on the east (town) side of the runway.
Thanks Diana, see what you can find out. I know there is a private owned hangar on the property next to the old FBO building(LLU) and he accesses the airport using the taxiway.

I wonder if you could arrange to build a hangar on the airport property adjacent to your (future) home and thus become a "legitimate" airport tenant. At that point all you'd need is a small gate in the fence which might be less of a concern to the FAA.