Airplane toy

I can't believe I never knew about this as a kid! That would've been at the top of my list for Santa. Looks like a lot of fun!
:D That thing is cool! I was looking around for the aircraft carrier version online for one for sale but it looks like none are still around.
Teaching young aspiring pilots that the impossible turn IS possible.

snort! LOL!

Interesting to note how some thought it useful as a training aid.
I can't believe I never knew about this as a kid! That would've been at the top of my list for Santa. Looks like a lot of fun!

+1 I would have been all over this one...:goofy:
Just bought the carrier version. Things are hard to find.
Just started looking for one, there are a couple on eBay but I would like the twin engine version for my kids, not for me just the kids.
You mean you can have fun without videogames? You people are ancient.

Yeah I saw those two. I just won the bid on mine...only bidder.:D
You mean you can have fun without videogames? You people are ancient.


It's an investment. This sucker will be worth 10 X the amount next year! If not, well it'll be a neat party piece when people are drunk.
There is a single engine one with catapult for sale, the front gear is broken. I am passing on it, go to and search it, it's up for 9 bucks.k


I screwed up, the auction was over a long time ago
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It's an investment. This sucker will be worth 10 X the amount next year! If not, well it'll be a neat party piece when people are drunk.
I would have loved having one as a kid. They still look like fun..

Looping Louie is the most fun I've had using a kids toy for a drinking game.
I would have loved having one as a kid. They still look like fun..

Looping Louie is the most fun I've had using a kids toy for a drinking game.

Lol! A 90s children's game found its was to Germany as a drinking game today. Of course the Germans really don't need games to get drunk. Had a few beers there on Oktoberfest. I'm pretty much toast after one.

The best time of the year.
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I bought this for my son when he was a kid.
We had the Seneca and the carrier. He says he still has the carrier.
Can't recall any airplane toy's I had. My brother had a little simulator toy that had a dual controls and two pair of headphones that we used to play with.

I did have a cox control line airplane.
That's cool. The closest thing I had to an airplane toy when I was a kid in the sixties was an RC hovercraft.
Looks like an un-approved BATD. I wonder why the FAA wouldn't approve it. The aileron controls are reversed and you can't train OEI landings in the Seneca.
I wonder when the sim-hater crowd will get here to shoot this one down with gusto. :D
Wasn't around in my youth all we had was balsa gliders.
I'm going to use it to practice the impossible turn...and snag the 3 wire in the process.
Well not so long ago I might have to get myself one of those but these days I'm trying to have less stuff, not more. BTW, I think this might have been the hovercraft I had in the sixties (edit - actually, after looking at some pictures of one on a closed auction on eBay, I'm sure it is).

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Have to say that is very cool. Do any of you remember a game I think it was called Bombs away. You looked through a bomb site and had a release The board would spin and you would have to judge when to drop. I loved it.

How about Voice Control Kennedy Airport!
Have to say that is very cool. Do any of you remember a game I think it was called Bombs away. You looked through a bomb site and had a release The board would spin and you would have to judge when to drop. I loved it.


I remember an arcade bombs away but don't recall a board game.
Arrived! Like a kid on 1972.
I love the accidental inappropriate mixtures of thread names and photos posted to the thread that Tapatalk creates.

My brothers and I made our own by adapting all our 1/48 and 1/72 scale models for it. Just needed a couple of rubber bands and paper clips. It was fun but not as cool as the Vertibird helicopter. I still have that in the basement.
I had the cox control line planes and I'm pretty sure that we had one of these in the barnstormer style. I was born in 74 and my oldest brother in 52 so with there being 4 boys and a girl, I had a variety of hand me down toys to play with.
Now I'm thinking back to my childhood and remembering some very good times. One airplane toy that I remember well was a set of die cast airplanes with wire hangers that you could remove like a christmas tree decoration. You would run a string from a high point to a low spot, place the planes on the string and let them go. I believe that there was even a wind up launcher to make racing fair.
That same guy on YouTube has a video of a helicopter toy I remember spending hours and hours playing with as a kid and as I recall, mountains of D cell batteries.
Re: the Hovercraft:

"You will be amazed at how you can go around trees"

