Airplane brokers are just one step


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Mar 11, 2005
Southwest Missouri
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above a used car salesman. I have been talking with an airplane broker that is trying to sell a plane as a UL that is not a legal UL under the new FAA rule. It should have been certified as E-LSA before the Jan 2008 deadline but wasn't. When I pointed this out to him, his response was, O well, I'll find someone who doesn't know the rules and sell it to him. Can just any Tom, Dick and Harry be a broker or do they have to have a license? Its obvious this guy should have his pulled if he has one.
I imagine you could always make a call to the FSDO and mention something about misleading sales information and aircraft classifications. After all, I'm sure he does occasionally fly what he sells as part of the job. Wouldn't he be required to have sufficient knowledge of the aircraft he's operating under the rules?
The more time I spend in this industry the less and less surprised I become.

There are a whole lot of really sleazy people out there, ready to fleece idealistic wealthy people of their money.

There are a few worse than used car salesmen. I remember someone telling me about one that pulled "nice" avionics from a plane thinking he could get more for the equipment used... and putting "junk" in place of it while still maintaining the plane's price.

There are some that are honest. Your job is to find them.

Let the buyer beware.
It's a business law matter, not an FAA matter. Let the local BBB know about it, and ask them for advice.