Airliner Co. charging passengers by body weight

The only thing that matters in GA is if you can get in the seat and get the door closed.

:rofl: Reminds me of my long ago Private Pilot checkride. It almost didn't happen that day.

The plane I had reserved had corrosion at the end of the exhaust pipe so it failed the pre-flight. It was high noon so all the other 172s were out. Luckily, minutes after reporting the squawk someone taxied in after a "discovery flight", a 172 with almost full tanks. We were back "on". After we were pre-flighted and seated the examiner could not get the seat belt on. He tried inhaling, exhaling, I pulled the belt with him. Not even close, the two ends did not even clink. Finally I got out, opened his door pushed his hip in while he pulled at the belt. That did the trick.

The guy was a great examiner, tough but fair. I learned so much on that check-ride. One very important thing I learned is to keep my mouth shut about peoples weight!
I'm not sure you guys have a really accurate idea of what a 300 pounder really looks like. Sure, some are pretty huge if they are all fat and no muscle, but quite often, as in the case of a lot of football player types, you wouldn't know they are so heavy and they don't have a huge ass as some of you imply.

Example: here is a picture of myself (left) at around 290 lbs., 6'3", 38" waist. I feel like just a normal looking dude. I am overweight, but I'm quite svelte at around 250-260, which is what I weighed in prime physical shape, back when I played sports year round.

I'm the guy on the left, not the piper, haha. Just pulled a quick pic off of facebook.
If you believe that slender = fit then you have fallen for the worst hoax of our modern, fashion magazine obsessed society. How about you get in the ring with ANY NFL lineman who has a BMI over 40? 5 seconds later we'll need a squeegee and a hose to clean up what's left of ya.

There is a reason NFL linemen die young, many in their 40s. This is from the NIOSH study on football players (inclusion criteria were 5 seasons between 1959 and 1988, so it even preceeded the recent trend towards morbidly obese players):

The summary of the NIOSH study was part of a monthly update regarding various issues for retired players. The NIOSH study also found:
• Defensive lineman had a 42% higher risk of death from heart disease when compared to men in the general population.
• Players with a Body Mass Index of 30 or more during their playing careers had twice the risk of death from heart disease compared to other players, confirming traditional concerns about the effects of obesity.

Through my job, I end up seing imaging studies on pretty much anyone who ends up admitted to our multi-hospital system. It is rare that I see someone skinny who ends up in the hospital before age 70. Slender is healthy. Fat is sick.
Love it. Absolutely love it.
Last time on a commercial jet (still have nightmares) I was sandwiched between Godzilla and Harry the Hippo. The sweating and the rubbing of nasty, clammy flesh against me made water boarding seem desirable - at least I would be clean again.