Aircraft Registry Service Update


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 25, 2006
KTTA, North Carolina
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I received an email about this this morning. This is a paste from the post I made on one of my Facebook pages:

FAA Aircraft Registry update:

"The FAA Registry is now offering limited online aircraft registration services here. Individual aircraft owners can complete self-guided aircraft registration applications, upload legal and supplemental documents, receive auto-generated notification, request aircraft registration N- Numbers, use modernized online payment options, receive instant notification of payment, and digitally sign Aircraft Registration Applications. Services will be continuously improved. "

I browsed around. I'm sure there will be rollout issues but the project will have benefits. Once can even look up an aircraft's registration and airworthiness history (see photo), something that otherwise requires ordering a CD. (or aan aircraft title company).

Access the new web page at

That is going to be confusing, they should have picked a different acronym. There is already another FAA CARES site setup for airports and grant recipients of CARES Act funding.
That is going to be confusing, they should have picked a different acronym. There is already another FAA CARES site setup for airports and grant recipients of CARES Act funding.
With all the names that sound alike everywhere I really doubt anyone looking for FAA aircraft registration will have a big problem.
With all the names that sound alike everywhere I really doubt anyone looking for FAA aircraft registration will have a big problem.

I just checked the FAA website, and they did some URL reorganizing it seems. The was the page for the CARES Grants, but that information has been moved to a different URL,
I just checked the FAA website, and they did some URL reorganizing it seems. The was the page for the CARES Grants, but that information has been moved to a different URL,
They do that all the time :(. But what I meant when I said
I really doubt anyone looking for FAA aircraft registration will have a big problem.
I was referring to a simple internet serach for FAA aircraft registration will bring you there in two clicks.
That is a step into the future but a bit challenging to those of us that are technological Luddites to get registered/set up. Thank goodness there was actually someone to answer the tech support phone to clarify how to set up the now required second factor authentication for FAA sites. (I had an exhausting account but needed to set up the second factor for it to log in, and it's not as simple as getting a code texted to the mobile number, rather, a separate app is needed to interface with the FAA's site via a sent code to your app.).
I just registered two separate aircraft through cares. The functions it enables are pretty seamless, but it’s pretty limited.

The benefit is that you immediately get to see your registration in the queue, the submit tal and payment are integrated, so if you’re registering ahead of time to the tune of 6 months in advance, it’s perfect.

The registration forms still have to be downloaded and digitally signed. You upload the form, you search for and choose your aircraft, you make your payment, and 6-9 months later (today they’re scheduling for AUGUST 23!!!) then you get your card. It’s just another website to mask mediocre staffing, ineptitude and bureaucracy.

The IACRA website is supposed to allow you to get a duplicate airmen certificate online - but it’s the same crap. You download the form, and still mail it in.

All of this is amusing as heck as your ID and citizenship is verified by the FAA when you submit through cares. Yikes :)

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Downloading a PDF form and signing it (digitally or otherwise), then uploading the PDF is not very technically advanced in my book.

Worse yet, it looks like there's no longer the option of renewing aircraft registration exclusively online using the "Renewal Online Security Code" ... it's directing you to CARES for this now too. And it appears you also have to download the PDF for a "no changes" renewal (there's no way to get past this on the renewal application)! I really hope this is a mistake that will get fixed, because this isn't progress.

If anybody knows if a "no changes" online renewal still works without dealing with the PDF, I would really appreciate it. It's completely hidden if it's still available.
Block chain?
Digital forms?

No, they may not be up with the times…but being able to at least getting into their ridiculous present 9 month queue instantly by uploading instead of using snail mail is a monumental improvement.

I’m not giving them props - given the funding they have, it’s beyond the pale they have such ridiculous, slow and unresponsive service. 9 months? Really?

That said, most of the people in aircraft reg do a good or decent job. It’s their management that is lame and incompetent.

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FYI, only 6 months backlog. Purchased my plane July 10, 2022. Registration database updated to me as the owner was about Jan 7.

Of course, no paper registration yet.