Air-to-Air with Airplane Academy


Oct 28, 2014
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Jack Fleetwood
Well, after I got everyone stirred up about aviation media on another post, I'm here posting a video!

There are a lot of hacks on YouTube posting videos that waste your time or give false information. Charlie Gasmire of Airplane Academy is not one of them. He's informative and shares information in a humble way that just makes you want to know the guy.

I got an email from Charlie one day about doing a photoshoot with his Dad in his Super Cub. I've been a big fan of Charlie's work for a long time, but when he reached out to me, I had no idea that I was actually talking to him! It took a few more conversations for the light to come on.

I started thinking about how we could shoot Charlie's 182, his Dad's Super Cub, and have them both on the covers of Cessna Owner and Piper Owner magazines. You can see my post with photos by clicking here.

Anyway, here's me! Let me know what you think. Since this video, I've lost 22lbs... only mentioning that because... man... look at that belly!! Somewhere there's a joke about how I always expose other people's dirty bellies!

Here's the video!
What All Pilots Should Do (But Don't Know They Can)
I enjoyed that vid... a little behind the scenes on how those shots come together!
and congrats on the weight loss.... I recently lost a bunch and feel a lot better (I ultimately found that 'carnivore' was the magic formula, almost too easy)...