Air Sick Senator?

Greg Bockelman

Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Lone Jack, MO
Display Name

Display name:
Greg Bockelman
From AvWeb:

Overheard while being vectored to the ILS 10 at KMSY the other day:

Approach: Jet 123, maintain 9,000.

Jet 123: Um, ok, we're gonna go through it.

Approach: That's ok, climb and maintain 10,000.

Jet 123: Uh, we're on our way back down to 9,000, now.

Approach: Well, 10 is available, you're welcome to climb and maintain 10,000.

Jet 123: Why are you doing this to us?

Approach: Well, I'm trying to separate you from traffic behind you, if that's OK.

Jet 123: That's fine, but we just zero-g'd an aircraft with a US Senator aboard. We'd rather not squash him, now.


Approach: If I'd known that, I'd have sent you back down to 5,000 first.
What a riot!
Jet pilots reefin' down on that yoke like a fresh instrument stud...
Poor, poor Senator -and no respect from ATC either!