Air Force eye/hand exercise


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 24, 2005
Montgomery County PA
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Adam Zucker
I do not know if this "explanation" is true, but the exercise sure tests eye / hand coordination:


Check this one out.

Here's a fun game to play. The object of the game is to move the red block around without getting hit by the blue blocks or touching the black walls. If you can go longer than 22 seconds you are phenomenal. Reportedly, the US Air Force uses this for fighter pilots. They are expected to go for at least 2 minutes. Give it a try!

About 10 tries to get 22 seconds. It runs exactly the same each play tho - so I was able to just memorize where to go ~
Was up to 20 seconds by the third try...reminds me of my morning commute (I ride a motorcycle, the blue blocks are cages trying to squish me, the black is armco along the side of the road. Constant juggling of you, your space, how that space changes, and your enemies!)
Geesh! Don't send me any more of this stuff!!

Never thought I would be a good fighter pilot anyway!!
got about 21 seconds until some darn officer wanted something. sheessh! can't they see I'm busy doing IMPORTANT things????
Shoot, a planarian with enough coffee in 'em could negotiate that maze after a few trys!
23.075 is my longest time. Fun stuff. Now I have something to do tonight.
I got 34.909 seconds on my 5th try just now, and that's on the trackpad of my laptop. It's not really THAT hard, you just have to pay attention to the behavior of the blocks and look at where they're going to be at least two seconds from now. It's much like backing a big rig, or staying ahead of your airplane!

FWIW, I got to get in a virtual reality getup at NASA that's used for astronauts to practice separation scenarios for spacewalks. I discovered that getting back to the airlock with the very limited fuel available in the "SAFER" (rocket pack) is actually very much like landing a plane... Look for the spot that doesn't move, and that's where you're going.

I'm off to go apply for fighter pilot school now. ;)