Advice for path to flying with an airline?

Bubba Sullivan

Filing Flight Plan
Jun 17, 2023
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Hello everyone, I'm a high school student looking to get a job as a pilot (preferably with United) and I've recently been researching good paths to take to get there. I've considered an all ATP approach such as that with Sling Academy in Torrence to just get my 1500 hours as quickly as possible, but then I know I would have to wait until I'm 23 to get hired anyway. I've also looked at a couple of colleges with professional flight degrees and RATP such as SJSU and ASU, which I like as I would also be able to get a college experience and only have to wait until I'm 21 and have 1000 hours. Any suggestions on other colleges or possibly an all ATP that also does RATP? Thanks!
Have you read through the medical sub-forum section? Do you have any diagnosis or medications that you see other people talking about?
Have you read through the medical sub-forum section? Do you have any diagnosis or medications that you see other people talking about?
@Bubba Sullivan
The post by @Mongoose Aviator may not seem relevant to your question but I think it is the VERY FIRST thing you should do, based on hundreds of other people in your position that run into a devastating surprise over something they forgot about years ago.

As to your question, I suggest you look at a 4 year college and get a degree in something you are interested in, besides aviation. Any degree will help you get in the door at an airline, but if for some reason that fails, you have something to fall back on.
Hello everyone, I'm a high school student looking to get a job as a pilot (preferably with United) and I've recently been researching good paths to take to get there. I've considered an all ATP approach such as that with Sling Academy in Torrence to just get my 1500 hours as quickly as possible, but then I know I would have to wait until I'm 23 to get hired anyway. I've also looked at a couple of colleges with professional flight degrees and RATP such as SJSU and ASU, which I like as I would also be able to get a college experience and only have to wait until I'm 21 and have 1000 hours. Any suggestions on other colleges or possibly an all ATP that also does RATP? Thanks!

First step is to contact an AME and get a first class FAA physical. If you can’t pass that you can’t be an airline pilot. If you have a health issue that prevents a first class issuance don’t give up hope. You may be able to get a special issuance.

The next step is figuring out your preferred pilot training path and how to handle college. Currently, a four year degree is optional, but encouraged. My recommendation is to get a degree in an area unrelated to aviation so you have a fallback when you are furloughed. The approach to flight training chosen will likely depend on your financial resources and ability to learn under pressure. Zero to hero programs (All ATP, etc) will ram you through fast, but may not provide great instruction or time to absorb the material. A part 61 school will flex to your schedule, but might not always have good instructor or aircraft availability. I’d recommend getting your PPL prior to committing big bucks to any flight school.