ADS-B Success!!!!


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 17, 2019
Fall River MA & Morrisville PA
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Well...after months of getting the dreaded "RED" boxes and exceptions in my GNS430W/330ES combination to try and adhere to the ADS-B dictate...turns out the wiring was fine, installation was up to spec...but the software was a bit out of, updated the software in both the 430W and the 330, configured it properly...and took it for a short flight around the Princeton NJ airspace, between EWR/ABE/PHL sites...and it works.

So, sent an email back to the FAA (they had sent a registered letter that my install did not meet the requirements...) with a copy of the performance report...and got a thank you note back from the inspector for taking care of the issue and cooperating with the FAA. Guess a little courtesy goes a long way, right?

But, according to this report, on this flight anyway, all is good to go.

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Man I bet that feels good to have resolved!

Were you able to do all the troubleshooting by yourself?

If not, would you mind sharing what the shop charged you over and above the initial XPDR install to finally get it working? Not trying to beat up on the shop. Just curious to hear more regarding ADSB-OUT install issues and the unexpected costs.
Man I bet that feels good to have resolved!

Yeah, considering we're banging up against 1.1.2020, the shop is backed up with fresh installs, and I'm wedged in between NY and PHL class bravo when I'm in the area (New Bedford isn't much better, with BOS to the north and PVD class charlie to the west) and within the 30 mile ring for NY.

Were you able to do all the troubleshooting by yourself?

Pretty much; I used to turn wrenches in the shop and was partner in the avionics shop there back in the early 90s, so it was a case of pulling the bird in and ringing out the harness (I did the rack install and harness building and had them sign off on it) and then researching (with the current chief wrench's assistance) the necessary software rev levels that would make them all play nice together. It helped that the initial PPR that I ran gave me what was failing, so it pointed directly to 1) rev level, and 2) config of the two boxes.

If not, would you mind sharing what the shop charged you over and above the initial XPDR install to finally get it working? Not trying to beat up on the shop. Just curious to hear more regarding ADSB-OUT install issues and the unexpected costs.

Well...the install was my own sweat and blood (they charged me an hour to review the harness construction and installation, done under their active observation), and then the actual troubleshoot and software update was 2 hours. Don't want to tell you how long it took to build the harness, though, since I did a complete GMA340/430W/KY196/KN53/330ES/HSI/KI204/encoder/all new antennas for nav/comm/gps/xpdr/new RG400 to everything/headset-intercom/interior plastic/headliner/carpet/side panel renovation. But, in the end, 3 hours for them to inspect, ring out, and bring to rev levels was reasonable, I think, considering what it would have cost if I had the shop do all the other work...;)
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Good for you! Love to see that PAPR with no red boxes.
When I got the results back, I saw so many zeroes that at first I though I wasn't sending good data, but then I learned that's how it's supposed to be.
Yeah, considering we're banging up against 1.1.2020, the shop is backed up with fresh installs, and I'm wedged in between NY and PHL class bravo when I'm in the area (New Bedford isn't much better, with BOS to the north and PVD class charlie to the west) and within the 30 mile ring for NY.

Pretty much; I used to turn wrenches in the shop and was partner in the avionics shop there back in the early 90s, so it was a case of pulling the bird in and ringing out the harness (I did the rack install and harness building and had them sign off on it) and then researching (with the current chief wrench's assistance) the necessary software rev levels that would make them all play nice together. It helped that the initial PPR that I ran gave me what was failing, so it pointed directly to 1) rev level, and 2) config of the two boxes.

Well...the install was my own sweat and blood (they charged me an hour to review the harness construction and installation, done under their active observation), and then the actual troubleshoot and software update was 2 hours. Don't want to tell you how long it took to build the harness, though, since I did a complete GMA340/430W/KY196/KN53/330ES/HSI/KI204/encoder/all new antennas for nav/comm/gps/xpdr/new RG400 to everything/headset-intercom/interior plastic/headliner/carpet/side panel renovation. But, in the end, 3 hours for them to inspect, ring out, and bring to rev levels was reasonable, I think, considering what it would have cost if I had the shop do all the other work...;)
Thanks for sharing! And I envy your installation bill :) I was curious since out GTX345 install had interference issues which ran another 4 or 5 hours of shop time to resolve. You would think a transponder install would be easy. Definitely not always the case.
So now the creeps in government and busybody types know every time you move your plane...that’s something, not sure if “success” would be the word I’d choose lol
I have the same combo. Took me a month to get it working. The shop that installed it bent 3 pins on the back on the 430w. It still turned on and worked normal except that it couldn't talk to the 330.
Very frustrating. The shop insisted they both needed software upgrades, then when that didn't work, it was config settings were wrong. It wasn't until I started troubleshooting the wiring that I found the bent pins.
Is this going to resurrect that thread debating the correct pattern entry method....

Thanks for sharing! And I envy your installation bill :) I was curious since out GTX345 install had interference issues which ran another 4 or 5 hours of shop time to resolve. You would think a transponder install would be easy. Definitely not always the case.

It's a PITA, that's for sure...but the $$$ saved (I'm lucky in that I know how to string these things together...and a compliant shop which is cooperative in allowing owner assist...) lets me keep the tanks full...;)
Is this going to resurrect that thread debating the correct pattern entry method....

Hope not; there is a chart on the wall at the field with the 'suggested' (for 39N) pattern, including entry, negotiated with the state and local towns to cut down on the complaints; overfly 500' above, circle back for 45 entry to downwind. Was just following local practice (and should anyway, since I instruct out of that field...;))

Per that tracing, I was actually flying the VOR-A approach out of Solberg (POTUS was not in town at his Bedminster location, otherwise the approach would have been NA) to check the VOR agreement (they're within specs) but didn't come down to minimums (which are 250' under the normal pattern).
I have the same combo. Took me a month to get it working. The shop that installed it bent 3 pins on the back on the 430w. It still turned on and worked normal except that it couldn't talk to the 330.
Very frustrating. The shop insisted they both needed software upgrades, then when that didn't work, it was config settings were wrong. It wasn't until I started troubleshooting the wiring that I found the bent pins.

Those high density pins are real easy to bend if you're not careful (and even if you are). And, without the proper extraction tool, almost impossible to remove (in case you snap them) without damaging a half dozen others (don't ask how I know). I know why they use them, just wish they didn't have to (but, I guess, they are what they are...). I do have a big bag of them (and the proper Daniels tool and trunion for crimping them...) Just In Case...