ADS-B required under Class C outer layer?

The regulations do not prohibit flight without ADS-B Out under a Class C or Class B area (outside of Class C or B). The latter is most a technicality because the Mode C 30 NM veil covers most of Class B airspace and therefore it is what restricts flying under the vast majority of class B airspace. But if you look at the LAX Class B, just south of POM VORTAC, there is Class B airspace designated which is outside of the Mode C 30 NM veil. That airspace under the Class B but outside of the mode C veil may be flown under, but one must also either avoid the class C or under fly its outer shelf as well.

At one point a few years ago, I petitioned the FAA to permit flight inside the Mode C veil but under the Class B as that would make airports under the mode C veil and under the Class B accessible. My argument was that aircraft would still be required to have a mode C transponder in that airspace and the FAA already permitted aircraft without an electrical system to operate in that airspace. The FAA rejected my petition.
At one point a few years ago, I petitioned the FAA to permit flight inside the Mode C veil but under the Class B as that would make airports under the mode C veil and under the Class B accessible. My argument was that aircraft would still be required to have a mode C transponder in that airspace and the FAA already permitted aircraft without an electrical system to operate in that airspace. The FAA rejected my petition.
Well, if they didn't require ADS-B out to get to airports inside the 30nm ring of death, then the incentive to install ADS-B out would go way down and the avionics industry would not see their big windfall.
Plus, this would involve admitting that Mode-C gives controllers pretty much the same information as ADS-B and that ADS-B doesn't actually cure baldness or whiten your teeth.
Are you required to phone ahead, similar to regs for other aircraft not equipped with a Mode C transponder currently in other places? Seriously curious. A similar conversation has been being had down at our local flight school.
If you are normally equipped with Mode C, and it fails, you must call ahead. If you are not required to have mode C, J-3 cubs etc., then no, you don’t need to call.