

Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Some pdfs I can select text, copy then paste it into a document or even a 'typing window' such as this forum provides.
Others, you only get the option of the 'hand' or the 'select tool' . The latter does not copy for me. (Ctrl-C)

What am I missing?
Some pdfs I can select text, copy then paste it into a document or even a 'typing window' such as this forum provides.
Others, you only get the option of the 'hand' or the 'select tool' . The latter does not copy for me. (Ctrl-C)

What am I missing?
Some PDF's have actual text in them -- whereas others are simply an image inside the PDF. The ones that are the image will generally be a much larger file and you can't just copy and paste from it. Generally the ones that are images are made by scanners -- whereas the ones with text are often PDF's outputted by a word processing program, etc.

You can sometimes run them through an OCR program to get the actual text but it isn't a perfect science.
Some documents are protected, and specific features (such as copying) can be disabled that way. There's no easy way to copy from those documents (though there are ways).
Without full blown Adobe software it is nearly impossible to copy and paste some material as Felix mentioned. However, since installing the full blown software, as opposed to just Adobe Reader, it is easier to manipulate .pdf files.
As an example of the above, the recent "Ice Fishing" clip posted by Let's goflying I couldn't copy so as to send to friends up here. No way - no how!. I emailed Dave with a request that he e-mail me the Link so that I could simply forward same to others. He did, thanks. I don't know where the video was produced, but it had to up here or maybe somewhere in the UP.

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At work, we are creating literally thousands of .pdf of all the parts for 4 different rail cars to be built in Russia to Solidworks so we can design the jigs and fixtures. I may have open 10-15 pdf's at a time. I hate Adobe, and went looking for a good alternative. What I found, was Foxit.
It's free and it's good. With tabbed files opoen at the same time. The typewriter function is nice for filling out pdf forms online.

For creating pdf's I use Bullzip.
Also free.
Notice a trend here?
You are riding along in someone else's plane, when suddenly it starts running rough...

REALLY Rough....

You think, for an instant, at least we're gonna die..........

You are riding along in your own plane, when suddenly it starts running rough...

REALLY Rough....

Your first thought....
What's THIS gonna cost....:)
I use doPDF and PDFsam for my PDF work nowadays. PDFsam helps me by merging many files into one nice and tidy PDF; doPDF does a great job of creation. I, for one, look forward to the day where we no longer have to pay the Adobe tax.


My "anti-adobe" (for business use) is PDF Creator Pro, from Nuance. It does everything full-bore Adobe does, for a fraction of the tariff (usually, around $100.00/license, as opposed to Adobe's $400-ish).

I have used PDF Converter Pro for several years, now, and I am very satisfied with it.

I'm waiting to find a replacement for DeltaView. That piece of software is a killer...

