A near miss......or hit ?


Jul 27, 2005
Ocean City, MD
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Today as I sat in Operations I witnessed a near miss......or hit as it may be. Trying to pay full attention to the conversation at hand concerning a generator for a back up power source, I can't help but listen to the traffic calling out positions heading to the field.

As a Cirrus was in the pattern, downwind I believe, a Cessna called out a ten mile position/inbound to land and a Citation had just taken off 10-15 minutes prior. Seemed like activity was picking up. The Cirrus was base then final with a super smoooooth landing…looked great. With a quick taxi back he was off. Turning cross then downwind the Cessna calls out entry on crosswind then turning base no. 2 for landing with traffic in site. Ahhhhhh…it always good to hear and picture the pattern even if I am on the ground….working.

Now there is another Cirrus on the ground taxing out from the FBO area, and the other on final for 28 as I look north and see an aircraft heading west to east north of the 19 approach…..but close to the field. I continue with my discussions about equipment when I see the cirrus touching down. Someone calls out on the radio "plane landing on 19!", the cirrus that was taxing made the call, after he blew through the hold short at 19 and must have crapped since he saw this banner plane rolling out (with no radio calls) The airborne cirrus had touched down, I turned to look north and can’t believe what I am about to see. The landing cirrus rolls past 1-19 on runway 28 and the banner plane tries to steer clear and in doing so turns so hard the left wingtip scrapes the runway. He does not wreck it but I bet the house he needed a change. Thank God the cirrus was quick and the other was a banner plane plodding along…there was room to spare.

The banner plane never flew over the field to check on wind direction or traffic and in IMO didn’t do enough to see and avoid. He did state he did clearing turns to look for traffic but I didn’t see them I just saw his right base entry in a left traffic pattern for 19 of which was NOT the active. He did say yes he entered on a right base as was not aware of the left traffic pattern. <rolls eyes>…The banner plane did not have a radio on board.
A learning experience for this pre checkride pilot…….I hope to finally take the checkride after the 4th of July!!
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What a joker. One more reason I hate uncontrolled fields with more than one strip of pavement.

Good luck on the checkride.
GMascelli said:

The banner plane never flew over the field to check on wind direction or traffic and in IMO didn’t do enough to see and avoid. He did state he did clearing turns to look for traffic but I didn’t see them I just saw his right base entry in a left traffic pattern for 19 of which was NOT the active.

The banner tow plane screwed up but at an uncontrolled airfield all the runways are the active. It is up to the pilot to decide what runway is best for them. Some runways, like with favorable winds are more desirable and non conflicting, are better than others.
GMascelli said:
The banner plane did not have a radio on board.

I just can't understand why in today's world, anyone can justify flying NORDO. A handheld comm with headset adpater costs what...less than $100 on Ebay ?

Is $100 really more than your life is worth ?

Lets see...

Cirrus + Banner Plane + Two Lives > $100.... yeah, that math works.
smigaldi said:
The banner tow plane screwed up but at an uncontrolled airfield all the runways are the active. It is up to the pilot to decide what runway is best for them. Some runways, like with favorable winds are more desirable and non conflicting, are better than others.

I should have stated the runway in use was 10/28 and the winds did favor 28. I just think it was easy for the banner plane heading in from the north to make the straight in for a fuel stop and that was his main reason .........

always something to learn....and I manged to file this one away for future reference for those uncontrolled fields.
GMascelli said:
I should have stated the runway in use was 10/28 and the winds did favor 28. I just think it was easy for the banner plane heading in from the north to make the straight in for a fuel stop and that was his main reason .........

always something to learn....and I manged to file this one away for future reference for those uncontrolled fields.

Hang on, this guy wasn't towing a banner was he? You say he was a banner pilot because he was flying a nordo, ugly, highly modified varient of a Cub/Super Cub/Super Cruiser or a Pawnee that looks like it shouldn't be legally flying right?
Henning said:
Hang on, this guy wasn't towing a banner was he? You say he was a banner pilot because he was flying a nordo, ugly, highly modified varient of a Cub/Super Cub/Super Cruiser or a Pawnee that looks like it shouldn't be legally flying right?

Are banner operators required to have radios?
Henning said:
Hang on, this guy wasn't towing a banner was he? You say he was a banner pilot because he was flying a nordo, ugly, highly modified varient of a Cub/Super Cub/Super Cruiser or a Pawnee that looks like it shouldn't be legally flying right?

Not towing a banner....just making a fuel run from the field the banner towing company is located at which is a few miles north of the airport........but all those do match the description ;)
SkyHog said:
Are banner operators required to have radios?

No why? It's nice to have one operating the shoreline off LAX, but you can still do it without one, you just have to climb for the corridor. Some localities may have special flight corridor rules which will require radios, but nothing specific to banner tow, if fact, if there are exemptions, they are often for banner tow and typically you will be warned of the traffic hazard.
SJP said:
I just can't understand why in today's world, anyone can justify flying NORDO. A handheld comm with headset adpater costs what...less than $100 on Ebay ?

Is $100 really more than your life is worth ?

Lets see...

Cirrus + Banner Plane + Two Lives > $100.... yeah, that math works.
I met a guy who flies NORDO exclusively and prefers it that way. So, they are out there. Watch out!
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