A great early morning flight.

Bob Bement

Pattern Altitude
Jun 27, 2005
Vale, Oregon
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Bob Bement
I flew down to the Owyhee Res. landing strip first and signed the Log book. Then on south and up Leslie Gultch over Jordan Craters and on to Rome for breakfast. Then on south up the Owyhee Rive and its great canyon, all the way to what they call the three forks area of the Owyhee River. It is about 30-40 miles above Rome. Then back by Rome to the Pillars of Rome and then flew down the Owyhee canyon back to the Hole in the ground, Rhineheart ranch and back home. On the way I flew by the Holdout cow camp and the Page Place cow camp. It was about a 3 hour flight not counting the two stops. A great flight.

I cannot for the life of me understand how I managed not to grasp you by the scruff of your not-inconsiderable neck, and make you fly me hither and thither while we were at Gaston's. Just plain stupid on my part.

Must engineer some pretense for a trip to Oregon.
No kidding, Spike. I missed out on that too and I even had an invite! Next year, I'm getting there a day earlier so I will have more time to do it all!
Yes Lynn and Spike, I would have loved to take you into Thunder Ridge that Sat. at Gastons. I should have flown some on Friday, but to tell you the truth I needed that day to rest up after that rough trip from Oregon. I had a lot of fun and enjoyment taking my fellow POAers and spouses on that flight. It was something I had wanted to do when I flew down with DR. Bruce and I didn't have my airplane there. I was lucky that the airstrip Thunder Ridge was that close and the owner gave me permission to land there. I only hope Lynn that I am able to make a few more trips to Gastons.