A funny song

Apple should be able fix the lack of keyboard on the current iPhones with a software upgrade.
Well, this is applicable to limited circumstances where you'd be willing to lug along a separate keyboard, which isn't really in keeping with the "anywhere" aspect of a mobile phone, so I think you really need the keyboard attached to the phone. I could imagine some kind of "docking" setup where the phone plugs into a larger case that contains a keyboard, I suppose, though I don't think I've seen anything like that.

There have been rumors that Apple has floated a prototype with an attached keyboard under NDA, targeting corporate customers, but I don't know if there's any truth to that, or if there is, whether anything might come of it.
Well, that is certainly a long ad. But I s'pose it gives the fanboys something to watch during all that time that they're not using the iPhone apps they downloaded.

So Slappy, your nearby store is holding your iPhone for you:

Apple has given a wink and nod of approval to "Pay2Play"—not the unsavory political practice but a game for the iPhone.

The application ... starts players off in Springfield, mired in debt, with impeachment 30 days away. They must amass cash by buying and selling items such as Senate seats before they're booted from office.

Apple should be able fix the lack of keyboard on the current iPhones with a software upgrade. Just put in an interface for a bluetooth keyboard. There are foldable, rollable, and invisible keyboards on the market now. It would kill Steve, but they could let the user decide what they like.

While they're in the Bluetooh driver, support Bluetooth audio so you can play music over wirelsss headphones or a car or GPS system.

As Harry mentioned, a separate kb doesn't come anywhere close to what I'm looking for.

Now, BT headphones? Oh hell yeah.

There have been rumors that Apple has floated a prototype with an attached keyboard under NDA, targeting corporate customers, but I don't know if there's any truth to that, or if there is, whether anything might come of it.

That is something I'd seriously consider trading my BlackBerry for.

So Slappy, your nearby store is holding your iPhone for you: