A career in aviation...

If you're going to say this:

And this:

Why would you say this?

You know enough math to get through the world. Engineers know enough math to change the world.

*over dramatized, I know*

If you're bad at math you should atleast be good at spelling. Staring*

*at least... :D
You know enough math to get through the world. Engineers know enough math to change the world.

*over dramatized, I know*

I like how you couched that. Change isn't necessarily for the better. Heheh.

There's always a first in every sort of engineering disaster... And always some mis-applied or forgotten math to go with them. :)

"A chunk of foam can't possibly penetrate the RCC panels..."

Nothing more than simple physics math on that one... And years of watching damage actually occur and refusing to do said math.

Changed the world, it did.
Flight test engineer would be awesome...
It is. ;)

I'd suggest giving your first engineering position a little time. Once you gain experience and skills you may find your opportunities open up a bit.
Of course if you can't stand it, you'll have to decide. WRT GPA, I've found that skills and experience (see above) are far more valuable than GPA after a few years.

who loves this stuff
No offense to you engineers. I'm poor at math and I see engineering as starring at cad drawings days on end. Obviously I'm wrong here.
Obviously ;)
The intrepid flight test engineer at work, ca. 1990.
It's old but it's what I had on hand.

and his old-school selfie
I'm good at math. I'm allowed to suck at English. ;):D

Ahhh. That explains it.

I've read your systems manuals sitting in customer data centers before. And by read, I mean cussed at the author loudly because they didn't make any sense. ;)

Also explains why one can't find a product with a manual anymore. ;)
I probably should start a new thread for this... But how can I ever own a DHC-2(on wheels)? shy of being a millionaire?
you can always commandeer one from your employer. Owner for a day program as I'd call it :D In the Caribbean there'd be plenty of places you could hide one for a couple weeks.