54TO&L now 1st Restrictions as Student sport pilot


Filing Flight Plan
Mar 12, 2015
Over the Atlantic
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No longer pertinent - F.A.R. was misread according to instructor. Thanks for replies though
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I'd have to fly with you to answer honestly. One of the most glaring deficiencies of trike pilots is poor directional control with rudder. On landing, take off, cruise, turns, straight, and inverted(kidding).

If the CFI said it, that pretty much tells me he knows your limitations and keeps you in check from having to asplain why the little airplane is in the grass with the prop all bent up.

To take another tack at it, go back to him and ask; 'what do you want me to demo to remove this limitation'? If you have done 54 landings, all with the wind almost direct down the runway, then you haven't experienced even 1 knot of x-wind. Your post is vague on whether the '7-10kts' or higher was x-wind component, or just the prevailing wind(aligned with runway). Sustained x-wind requires control manipulation that is just a bit different, and if you haven't done it, you will need practice. If that was the x-wind component, I'm guessing the CFI found your technique less than stellar.
Very well said,

Crosswind component when calculated typically has been 4-9kts... I don't doubt my technique needs improving, for sure.

But is there a legal FAR about it for student solos? Will take your advice nonetheless & ask. I just want a honest answer (I'm fine with if he thinks I do 'em like crap. Not for me to judge a CFI! But claiming its a 'legal regulatory thing' if its not..
Your CFI is free to put whatever limitations and restrictions to your certificate as he feels necessary.
Pass your check ride, get your own plane, fly to your own personal limits.

CFI can put whatever restrictions s/he wants on a student.