50 Million Users

Several of those items are predicated in having a decent amount of expendable income (passenger flight, televisions). Others are predicated on other technologies (internet needed computers to exist, Facebook/Pokémon Go needed internet to exist). It just seems like an odd comparison to make unless we’re just talking about how people have more expendable income today than back in the 40’s, and tech that interconnects people allows adoption of new products to grow more quickly.
Several of those items are predicated in having a decent amount of expendable income (passenger flight, televisions). Others are predicated on other technologies (internet needed computers to exist, Facebook/Pokémon Go needed internet to exist). It just seems like an odd comparison to make unless we’re just talking about how people have more expendable income today than back in the 40’s, and tech that interconnects people allows adoption of new products to grow more quickly.
Don't be a nerd. It was funny.
Notice that each of the items is less expensive in real terms than the one preceding i

How many Pokemon Go will it take to buy an airplane, today's prices,, new? Or a car, or...

Second, the size of the consuming public has exploded from the time the airplane first flew.

Amazing, an average house hold today has every one of those advances except an airplane, and even that they effectively "rent" complete with a pilot, for trips, when they buy an airline ticket.

When I was in Junior high school, they took a survey to see how prosperous each home was. The measure was simple, how many electric appliances did the home have? Telephone,fans, toasters, mixers, electric lights (as a group), refrigerators, radios, stoves, irons, vacuum cleaners and washing machines were the typical examples.

The house that I lived in had all the categories.

15 years earlier, my Grandfather had 6, and my parents were in the midst of building a house with none, as the road and utilities into the failed development had not been even started.