4G cellphone question


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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Anyone using either the HTC Evo, EVO Shift 4G or the Samsung Epic 4G?

I have to get a new phone for work and was thinking of getting a 4G handheld. I know the EVO is kinda of dated now, but I seem to recall people really liking it when it first came out.

Looking for opinions.
EVO is dated? It just came out last fall?

My berry is 3 yrs old...
You have a Jurassic Phone! :D

I have a choice of a few phones and iPhone for work is not one of them, I figured get a 4G one that also can work as a WiFi hotspot since I have 4G coverage at my office and home. Which, BTW are 10 feet apart. :D
I have a choice of a few phones and iPhone for work is not one of them, I figured get a 4G one that also can work as a WiFi hotspot since I have 4G coverage at my office and home. Which, BTW are 10 feet apart. :D

Tough commute now Scott! :D:thumbsup:
FWIW I ended up with the HTC Evo. Wow! This is a nice phone way better than my Moto Milestone. I think having an updated OS helps but there is other custom stuff on the HTC that is real nice too. I love the big screen, it is easy to read.

The battery life does suck. I don't have the big battery on it and I need to charge it each day. I still love my iPhone more. But I can't use that for work SIGH! I am carrying around two phones on work days now which can be a PITA.

I did also pick up a Sierra Wireless 1xEV-DO/4G dongle for my PC. The WiMAX 4G rocks on that. I have been using it more than the free Internet in my hotel room. I also like that I can switch to 3G when I am out of 4G coverage.
FWIW I ended up with the HTC Evo. Wow! This is a nice phone way better than my Moto Milestone. I think having an updated OS helps but there is other custom stuff on the HTC that is real nice too. I love the big screen, it is easy to read.

The battery life does suck. I don't have the big battery on it and I need to charge it each day. I still love my iPhone more. But I can't use that for work SIGH! I am carrying around two phones on work days now which can be a PITA.

I did also pick up a Sierra Wireless 1xEV-DO/4G dongle for my PC. The WiMAX 4G rocks on that. I have been using it more than the free Internet in my hotel room. I also like that I can switch to 3G when I am out of 4G coverage.

SenseUI is amazing. It slows the ability for new patches, but its so slick, I don't think that matters much....almost every new feature that Android is coming out with already exists in SenseUI. lol.

My next phone will be something with SenseUI on it.
Is 4G prevalent enough, currently, to benefit? The iPhone4 is so useful, it's hard to imagine anything better.
Is 4G prevalent enough, currently, to benefit? The iPhone4 is so useful, it's hard to imagine anything better.

Well 4G is a marketing term and means different things on different network providers. For me it 4g is wimax and it is the places that I travel to and live in there is enough coverage. 4G for T-mobile and AT&T is being deployed and is a super version of the packet access you have now or in some cases is LTE, that means really nothing to most people but suffice it to say there is a grey line between 3G and 4G. AT&T tried to get an official 4G definition approved in the ITU but sort of failed. That attempt was to protect their 3G branding.

Now there is something coming down the pike called IMT-Advanced that a lot of people, mostly technologist, think is 4G. Of that, LTE-Adv is what falls into the 4G bucket. WiMax, LTE, HSPA+ are all IMT-2000 technologies are what many technologists consider 3.x G's
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I have the HTC Evo and love it. Huge improvement coming from a Blackberry. However, 4G coverage has been very spotty, even in areas claimed to have solid service by Sprint.
Anyone using either the HTC Evo, EVO Shift 4G or the Samsung Epic 4G?

I have to get a new phone for work and was thinking of getting a 4G handheld. I know the EVO is kinda of dated now, but I seem to recall people really liking it when it first came out.

Looking for opinions.

I have the HTC My Touch 4G through T-Mobile and I'm quite happy with it although it uses up batteries quite quickly.