44N sky acres pirep


Management Council Member
Dec 5, 2010
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After waiting a long time for the stars to align, I finally made the trip to my ancestral home of the Hudson Valley today. It was really nice to see the river from the air. I flew W00-W29-58M-KMQS-44N and back, 4.9 on the Hobbs. There was an airshow happening at New Garden, which I got to see from the air. The Philly controllers were very nice, the New York controllers were busier but accommodating when able. I was on flight following for most of the trip, both ways.

I met my parents at 44N and we exchanged produce from our respective gardens. We intended to patronize the cafe, but it was closed because the proprietors were on vacation. They should NOTAM that! We went to a deli down the street instead and got giant piles of meat on kaiser rolls, as God intended.

I received the comment "You flew from DC? In a light sport?" more than once. The hilly taxiways were fun. Good crowd at 44N and friendly folks all around.
I was in a Skycatcher. The HITS/SVN/G meter/mach meter (!) are a bit silly for a VFR plane. I wasn't as fatigued as I thought I would be after hand flying my first ever 2.5 hour leg, but I wouldn't have turned down an AP/traffic/wx, either.
44n is a great airport and one of my favorite places to fly. It's got it's quirks( the hilly taxiways, two tiered parking ramp) but its a true pilots airport and small town feel!

The restaurant is real nice too and fits perfectly with the airport!
Flew to 44N again today, this time in an Arrow IV. Two passengers and full fuel put us close to MTOW. Settled in to a 24"/2400rpm cruise, leaned to 9gph, around 115-120 indicated at 3500'. Flew KGAI-EMI-KPTW-39N, up the Hudson, and then on to 44N, where mom and dad treated us to breakfast at Tail Winds.

Flew back 44N-KPTW-EMI-KGAI at 3000’. Finally tried out my trusty Tower Hobbies IR tachometer, which appeared to work as advertised. Winds were gusty by the time we got back, making for a sporty landing.


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Flew to 44N again today, this time in an Arrow IV. Two passengers and full fuel put us close to MTOW. Settled in to a 24"/2400rpm cruise, .

Skycatcher with a CS prop?
44n is a great airport,fly there from ma.,too bad you didn't get to use the diner. Food is good help is great. Overall one of the nicer airports in the area. Don't know why people question light sport airplanes for cross country. I fly a small two seat certified aircraft,not much different than an Lsa ,just more gross weight. Every where I travel I see CTs doing long cross country's.
I flew into 44N this weekend.. It really is one of the nicest fields around. Flew up the Hudson from SMQ.. Went east to avoid West Points restricted. FF told me it was hot and to avoid it..
The owner of Tail Winds Cafe told me they're opening up another location at KPOU...
The owner of Tail Winds Cafe told me they're opening up another location at KPOU...

Yup this is true but when I visited 2 weeks ago the talk was this new place at KPOU may wait until spring of next year to open. Apparently the city is giving them the run around. I'm looking forward to the opening though.
Went east to avoid West Points restricted. FF told me it was hot and to avoid it..
Yes. the Cadets shoot artillery into that restricted area. :hairraise:

It is easy to avoid, though. Just stay over, or east of, the Hudson River.
