405. You don't see this every day...

It's been around quite some time, but I think it's great!
An old lady flipping someone off! What is this world coming to??
That is a great video. As noted, it's been around for a while. I have it on my laptop and it never fails to impress people.

Story is that the old lady does not (nor ever has) drive. Any time she was in the car and it was moving, it was being pushed by people off camera. Amazing what you can do with a computer.
Note that, in the scenes looking through her windshield, the shiftf lever is in "park."

I love reading the narrative about how they made this thing, genius on a tiny budget.

I have, somewhere, a copy of this thing in its original form, in which the airliner says "American" on the side, instead of "Airliner." Cannot imagine why AA objected...
Note that, in the scenes looking through her windshield, the shiftf lever is in "park."

I love reading the narrative about how they made this thing, genius on a tiny budget.

I have, somewhere, a copy of this thing in its original form, in which the airliner says "American" on the side, instead of "Airliner." Cannot imagine why AA objected...

I have it on my laptop at work. I've got to remember to grab it and put it on a computer at home, as well. Maybe on Monday...