4 hours of Looney Tunes including Bugs

It's that crazy Daffy Duck! Getting a bowl of Captain Crunch right now.
I was born in 1971. Bosco was mentioned on Laverne and Shirley at least once. WHAT IS BOSCO?????

My Dad taught me this ditty when I was a little boy. I can still sing it, but I don't know if the tune is from some other song, or original. All in jest, of course.

I hate Bosco; it is no good for me.
My mommie puts it in my milk and tries to poison me.

But I fooled mommie; I put it in her tea.
And now there is no mommie to try to poison me.
Wow Van Johnston, what a way to kill a thread! Stopped that sucker cold in its tracks! Hasn't moved for days. :D

In the early '70s I lived in Hockenheim, Germany. On Tuesdays at 1900 the regional TV network, SWR I believe, would broadcast "The Bugs Bunny Hour". Since this was German TV there were no commercials so you got an honest hour of Warner Brothers cartoons. This was immensely popular: The streets would empty, not a soul in sight. If someone came into town off the Autobahn at this time, I am sure they would think the world had ended. There were actually more people out and about during the soccer championships. Wednesday mornings were always interesting: In the office the topic was always the show. The Roadrunner and Wiley Coyote were the most popular. Since I spoke English, I had to translate any signs or printed words in the cartoons: the voices were dubbed into German. The people in the office could never quite understand why I wasn't laughing quite as hard as they were. I just couldn't tell them that I had already seen these cartoons during the '60s.
Picking up a 6-pack and gonna enjoy 4 hours tomorrow :)