2010 Mid Year in Review


Jul 27, 2005
Ocean City, MD
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Sitting here at work adding up my log book hours so I am ready for todays lesson and hopefully my sign off for the IR ride. I searched for goals and found the 2009 in review and 2010 look ahead posted by Ed Fred and thought I would post my mid year review.

2010 Wish List
- Complete my IR checkride before my written expires (October 2010)
- Attend 6Y9 - No problems with grass now, bought our own plane!
- Attend BAC Fest in San Antonio Texas
- Try to break the 500 total hour mark
- Get started with ARF flights

2010 Wish List updated
- Check ride will be scheduled for next week.

- 6Y9 is looking like another year off for me. By the time I get there it will be paved with an FBO.

- BAC fest is looking like it will happen in October. Working out the details with fellow Pilot Mike B for the four day round trip to San Antonio, TX. Mary does not have enough vacation time saved up yet.

- Venture a bit west of the normal east coast flying with a scheduled trip to Dayton OH with Rob -CLR2TKF (Robs Flying Adventures)to visit fellow blogger Steve (a mile of runway) AND take a one hour ride in a Stearman!!

- Researching for a possible trip to the Bahamas with the Beech Aero Club around new years. Mary is on board and will have vacation time saved up.

- 500 hour mark is looking like a no brainer, I have 470 to date and six months to go!

-ARF flights, not a single hour donated, to busy spending money on IR le$$ons. Hope to change that in the last half of the year.
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