1969 Cherokee 140B wing strobes


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jan 6, 2019
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I have a 1969 Cherokee 140B that does not have wingtip strobes and no wiring for them. I would like to add them and with the recent purchase of the Skybeacon which has an LED strobe I would like to utilize it when the companion right wing replacement becomes available which also has an LED strobe. The Cherokee is not IFR equipped and I only have a VFR rating so flying around in clouds, fog, mist etc. when some recommend to turn strobes off should not be part of my typical VFR flight.

This leads to a few questions I want to run by knowledgeable people on POA before burning a favor with a Q&A session with my local A&P that does my maintenance and annuals.

1) is it required to have a separate on/off switch for the strobes? The tech people at uAvonix say the strobe wire can be connected to the nav wire powering the strobes when the nav lights are on which is required for operation of the ADS-B unit.

2) do the strobes have to be in sync?

3) If a separate circuit is required for the strobes has anyone had this done? What is the approximate cost?

4) the reason for wanting strobes is to be seen better at night. Are there better/low cost solutions for wing strobes, fuselage strobe, etc. and the cost including installation?
I run strobes all the time, day or night. I also keep my LED landing light on day or night.

The problem I see with running the Skybeacon hardwired to Nav is ground ops. I would want the option to turn them off so as not the flash the crap out of those around me when taxiing or whatever. The cost will be minimal.
Don’t they have strobes where you turn your nav lights on and off twice or something and they come on?

Personally I wouldn’t want my strobes on all the time, for sure not on the ground, not in heavy rain, mist, snow, landing over snow, etc.