180 hp 152 performance


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 22, 2008
mass fla
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ron keating
Noticed a c152 with a 180 hp, does anyone have actual performance figures for that set up? Cruise numbers.
I can't believe a 180HP. I've flown a 150 HP one. What happens is that it gets into the air a whole lot faster (with better climb), but you're still dragging the same old airframe through the sky, so don't expect much improvement in top-end speed for the increased fuel burn.
I don't know anything about the specs on one, but I did a photo shoot with one at OSH for EAA. It was designed to pull very large banners.
What Ron said. Top end MIGHT improve by 10 knots.

I fly a 150/150 as a glider tow plane. Without the glider, it gets off the ground in nothing flat and climbs like a homesick angel. But top end doesn’t change enough to talk about. The heavier engine pretty much destroys useful load. The 150/150 I fly has a useful load of 400 pounds before you put any fuel in it.

You might find performance numbers somewhere, but I think the conversions just use stock performance numbers.
I looked at a 150/150 that came with a weight increase too. Years ago, don't remember exact numbers, but dude was probably a good 275 and said he his wife and little girl were *legal* and could get off his grass strip. He was selling it because the daughter was outgrowing the child seat and moving up to a 182
Just hearing secondhand from guys who have owned them. The sweet spot tends to be the sparrow hawk with 125 hp engine. Anything larger you lose precious useful load and range is a real issue given higher fuel consumption for the small tanks.
Not sure there are 152/180 STCs(maybe one off field approvals) but defiantly 150/180s. Mostly tow planes. I hear they climb like homesick angels(as mentioned) but not exactly speed demons due to the airframe. Gotta have the long range tanks though because the gas goes fast.

C-150/150s with long range tanks seem to be pretty good airplane for 1 person. I know of a 150/200(field approval) that is allegedly the “most fun you can have with your pants on” according to the owner.
This thread is begging for a Merlin and a Hamilton 4-blade photoshopped onto a 152...:D:D:D
While there is a little bit of efficiency lost due to the extra weight, you can obviate the fuel consumption problems just by flying at the same speeds that the 100HP engine would.