150' ? hill top landing site Highlander video

Insane for sure but fun. Dave now I know what you mean when you were describing the highlander.
Wow, that was insane. I want to know how he got up the guts to do that the FIRST time. If you like that one, here's another one from the same guy, doing the same kind of things:


Thanks, that video you sent is even better. Most pilots don't realize that the Highlander airfoil can stall in the low 20s, making it ideal for these type runways.
That might be fun! You would definitely only screw up once.
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I envy his skill, and question his sanity.

No way in hell would I ever do that unless it was in a helicopter!
I was thinking that his passenger, standing outside the airplane on top of the hill filming this, must have implicit trust in that pilot's abilities. For if the pilot DID crash, he appears to be a long way from civilization. It'd be a long wait for help.

Speaking of his skill... keeping the tail up off the ground while doing a 180 turn on a rocky surface... impressive.
That might be fun! You would definitely only screw up once.

Not really. It's only scary if you take it out of the context of aviation. If you screw up in either direction, you run off the edge, put the nose down and throttle up, you're flying again.
Some day some archaeologist is going to be excavating the area, saying "obviously, there was a city around here, because we have all these tire tracks leading to it!" :rofl: