“Go Fly America” is coming to an end

Mike Schneider

Gone West
Mar 16, 2005
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Nick, thanks for inventing the ConUS Challenge. What a good idea! Thank You!

Chip, thanks for the super web site. There are things on the web site that I have never seen on any web site. You always gave timely responses throughout the seventeen months. Thank You!

Chip and Nick, I’m sure there were many hurdles behind the scenes that we never knew about.

Fellow (Pilot) Challengers, thanks for the “competition.” It was a lot of fun. Thank You! From your descriptions and the airports you went to, I got to know you better.

There were many good experiences.

I was hoping we would make it to the half way point (2314 claims), and we almost did.

I got to land at some airfields that I most likely would never have landed at.

I have looked at each and every one of the photos and read each and every one of the descriptions you folks have sent in. I never “clicked here” to mark these claims as reviewed. The reason I never did that was to be able to go back and look at some of your pictures and descriptions again. You folks landed at some challenging airports! It was fun to imagine sitting in the right seat during the landing. I want one of those cups with “I landed at Clearview Airpark” (2W2) written on the side, like Bill Cloughley got. I also want to land at ORD, like Leslie Prellwitz did. There are so many landings that I would have loved to have made with you folks!

Wonder how many “claims” Barb Miller would have made, if she had not been hemmed in by the Great Lakes.

Wonder how many “claims” Peter Yee would have made, if he had not been limited by the Pacific Ocean.

Wonder how many “claims” Karl Kisser would have made, if he had not returned to Alaska.

The “challenge” provided an interest in flying. It gave an opportunity for learning, training, and having fun in airplanes.

As you can see, I had loads of fun doing this!
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As you can see, I had loads of fun doing this!
Me, too! A bundle of thanks to Nick and Chip. Lunch, dinner, beverage of your choice on me if we ever try to make a simultaneous claim (aka meet up at an airport).


Thanks for the kind words. I'm sure Nick appreciates them too.

The last time I talked to Nick we were thinking the challenge needs to continue at least one more year. Yea, we wanted to get all the airports by 12/31/07, but it was clear pretty early on that it wouldn't happen. I was talking to Kent yesterday about getting with the program myself this spring and claiming a bunch of airports (if I can just remember to take the pictures!!)

What do you think Nick?
I'm Not Nick, but I'll answer anyway (who's surprised by that?).

I think it continues as a lively testament to the fun of flight. Sometimes, it can be a plain hoot- since I flew out west this week, I checked to see if either Alpine (E38) or Marfa (KMRF) were unclaimed- nope, and Marfa had been claimed by.... Barb Miller!

What a hoot!

I also think it's fitting that the first submitted and approved claim* was done during a pleasure flight with two pilots who first met at Gaston's, made further contact through PoA, and lived nowhere near each other. Just plain flying, for fun.

* - Quincy Gadsden Airport, Florida - http://www.goflyamerica.org/airport_detail.asp?a=11063
The last time I talked to Nick we were thinking the challenge needs to continue at least one more year.
I need to get Tom signed up. He lands from the front on our trips together ( W&B ) and there are a bunch we could have claimed on our trips if he would have been signed up. We'll definitely do that on our trip to California in May.
I guess it is a money issue, but why even close it?

Why not have it so all pilots can track their own "tags" of each airport they fly too? As mentioned, it can drive people to fly someplace just for fun.
I liked the challenge and I think because of it, I flew to more different airports than I normally would have. Due to many things, I didn't necessarily claim those airports, but I went anyways. It made me realize that I can go there and there and there.... Just get out and fly.

LET IT LIVE as a testament to all who fly.
I don't think it's ending... In fact, Nick even said so here:

It is obvious that we are not going to hit the goal of claiming all airports before 12/31/2007 (excluding some miracle where everyone goes out and claims like 200 airports a month before then. lol), so I am declaring now that this challenge will continue to run until all airports are claimed. No deadline. Lets do it!

I think it'd be cool to set a new deadline like 12/31/08 just to make sure we still have a time goal and we don't just save it for a rainy (uh, sunny) day. In fact, I hereby declare my goal to have Wisconsin completed by 6/30/08! (The grass fields might not be dry 'til then! :eek:)
I think it'd be cool to set a new deadline like 12/31/08 just to make sure we still have a time goal and we don't just save it for a rainy (uh, sunny) day.

I agree. Knowing that Nick can veto the decision, the web site has been changed to reflect the new deadline - 12/31/08.
I agree. Knowing that Nick can veto the decision, the web site has been changed to reflect the new deadline - 12/31/08.

Yahoo! This has been alot of fun and it gave me a real incentive to get out and explore new airports. Landing at 10 different airports in a day was a lot more fun and educational than doing 10 landings at my same old airport. Time to start making a list of where to land this year.

Thanks Nick and Chip for setting up the Challenge

It is my opinion that this needs to continue for as long a time as we can get it until we either complete all airports or until people stop claiming airports.

That said, obviously, this is a group effort more than it is a Chip/Nick thing. So, the day it is apparent that no one wants to do it, I'm cool with stopping. We got some good claims in 2007. I can only imagine that 2008 will be superb!

And yeah, I want to get out and claim more airports! Let's do it! Only a bit more than 2000 to go! Expect an EOY report coming soon. I do want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone that helped. One way to look at it is a failed attempt. But I consider it a HUGE success to date. While I wanted to see us hit them all in 1.5 years, to be honest, that was a very daunting task, considering that most of the participants are either POAers or friends of POAers, or participants at some internet pilot forum. That's a huge deal.

I am so proud to even be a part of this. It actually almost brings a tear to my eyes to see the efforts brought forth by pilots to complete this challenge. We've come so far. Let's finish this up.

edit: Almost is gone. I'm literally tearing up right now. Thank you to everyone that joined. Thank you to everyone that claimed.
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Nick, you are the hoss for kicking it all off in the first place!

Remind me what you do with non-public fields... I have a pic from TS15 (Cibolo Creek Ranch) to submit, if there's any interest.
Remind me what you do with non-public fields... I have a pic from TS15 (Cibolo Creek Ranch) to submit, if there's any interest.

We don't do anything with them. We've talked a bit about setting up a site where folks can post the photos but haven't really done anything about it. I don't want to include them on the ConUS site but I'm open to suggestions about using a photo sharing site or something else.
I had a great time doing it. I have a suggestion though. Sometimes the best or more interesting view of an airport won't allow for the sign. Maybe it's the approach that shows water all the way around the airport (Knoxville Downtown Island). Ease up on the sign requirement. Plus sometimes I forget to take the sign with me :redface: or end up landing at an unclaimed airport that I wasn't planning to fly to.
Sometimes the best or more interesting view of an airport won't allow for the sign.
I think we need the sign. The solution to Richard's "gripe" (and I agree with it, actually) is to allow two (or more) photos per airport.

Some folks have actually combined multiple photos into one photo claim. I like the way they turn out, as long as one has the sign, it gives a full view of the airport and it's features!
Hey I wasn't griping.:) I think the challenge has been fun and I have enjoyed being part of it. Two photos would be the trick.:)
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I think we need the sign. The solution to Richard's "gripe" (and I agree with it, actually) is to allow two (or more) photos per airport.


Oh yea... more work for me!!! :D I've been thinking about a way to do this without a total redesign. I might have a solution. As usual, no promises.
Woohoo, the Challenge continues. More time for more airports. :D But woe is my pocketbook. :eek: And here I thought I was going to be able to save up some money for a nice flat panel TV. I guess my 27" tube TV will have to continue to serve me for another year. ;)

Let me say, however, a great big thanks to Chip and Nick for putting on the Challenge and for giving it added life as well. Prior to the Challenge I truly did not have as much fun flying.
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But I consider it a HUGE success to date.

Prior to the Challenge I truly did not have as much fun flying.

Amen to that x2! I haven't hardly had time to read most of the claims, but I know that I've found some really cool little fields that I *will* be returning to that I would never have stopped at otherwise.

It's also kinda got me going for what Nick was doing in the first place, going to every airport in his home state. Looking at the list, I've landed at exactly half so far, 63 out of 126. I'm planning on finishing the state for the challenge first, and then going back and finishing off all the ones that I've never been to. (Pretty much the ones that Scott claimed. :rofl:)
It's also kinda got me going for what Nick was doing in the first place, going to every airport in his home state. Looking at the list, I've landed at exactly half so far, 63 out of 126. I'm planning on finishing the state for the challenge first, and then going back and finishing off all the ones that I've never been to.

Oh, and FWIW, I'm waiting until the end to claim airports I've already been to before the challenge started: 58C, MRJ, MKE, PVB, 91C. And I'd *really* like it if someone else would get MKE because I hate those bastards. (See airnav for details. :D)
Well Nick & Chip, I'll add my THANKS too, and you can count me in for more claims in PA. i want to hit some of the grass strips that others wont go to. I'm going to the web site and Target some of them now.
Dave G
Uploading additional photos on ConUS web site

Oh yea... more work for me!!! :D I've been thinking about a way to do this without a total redesign. I might have a solution. As usual, no promises.

I’ve added the ability to upload more than one photo for a claim on the ConUS web site. Here’s how it works:

  1. In order to upload additional photos your claim must first be approved. You can’t upload photos for pending claims or targeted airports.
  2. You are the only person who can upload photos for your claim, and you can’t upload photos for anyone else’s claim.
  3. You may also put captions on your photos.
  4. Unlike the initial claim photo, the additional photos aren’t held pending an administrator’s review. Because of this we allow anyone to report an inappropriate photo or caption to the administrators.
Here's an example of a claim with additional photos for KVBT. They are under Kent's claim. Click on any of the additional photos to see a larger image and the full text of the caption. (I'll remove these in a few weeks)

How to upload additional photos:

  1. Get to a page with one of your claims on it. Use the pilot search to list all of your claims, the airport search to list your claim for a specific airport, or the claim detail button on the list of claims under the “New Claims” or “Stats” pages.
  2. You should see a link under your claim write-up that says “Maintain Additional Photos”. Click this.
  3. The resulting page will show your additional photos if there are any and will give you the option to “Upload Additional Photos”. If there are already photos uploaded, you’ll also have options to remove one or more of them and to maintain photo captions.
  4. Once you’ve uploaded your additional photos and captioned them, they will appear on any page where your claim is detailed.

As with most of my work, this new feature has been poorly designed, hurriedly coded, and barely tested, so please let me know if you have any trouble with it.
Re: Uploading additional photos on ConUS web site

As with most of my work, this new feature has been poorly designed, hurriedly coded, and barely tested, so please let me know if you have any trouble with it.

Thanks Chip.

I'm gonna print that out and hang it over my bench in the lab. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Leave me a few on the NE corner, and I'll help you get WI finished off.

NE, or NW? I think we got most of the NE ones already. Looks like the only one left is Shiocton, which is gonna be out of commission 'til spring unless you have a skiplane (in which case I want a ride :D).

Kate noticed that there's now a new public-use airport in WI! OK, not new, but it used to be private. Still shows private on the sectional that just expired 3 weeks ago, but now is public. Woohoo! :goofy: It's called Nest of Eagles:

I was dismayed when I saw the title and relieved to see it's going to continue. There are so many fields in the Rocky Mountains that haven't been claimed yet.

Even though Go Fly America! was directly responsible for the only, ahem, "fender bender" I've ever had in an airplane (2 months downtime, several thousands paid by a great insurance company), I still love the idea. I'm so glad it's continuing.

Even though Go Fly America! was directly responsible for the only, ahem, "fender bender" I've ever had in an airplane (2 months downtime, several thousands paid by a great insurance company), I still love the idea. I'm so glad it's continuing.



Spike!!! Adam!!! Where are those guys when you need them???? :D

Spike!!! Adam!!! Where are those guys when you need them???? :D

I am right here, but I am sure that you and Nick know that Judy was not intending to defame you, and I would not sue her even if you asked me to! :no:
I am right here, but I am sure that you and Nick know that Judy was not intending to defame you, and I would not sue her even if you asked me to! :no:

I wasn't looking to go after Judy, I was looking for help with her liability suit against us! :yes::D
Attention: GO FLY AMERICA adivses that all claims are made at your own risk. As Pilot in command you are the only person that can decide if it is safe to make a particular claim. GO FLY AMERICA is not a race or a contest and does not encourage or codone pilots acting as idiots in order to make a claim. Nor does GO FLY AMERICA represent that any particular airport is safe or in good condition to land at they therefore encourage you not to be an idiot and gather information about a particular airport before you land there, unless you suffer an engine failure and you are forced to land in which case you can probably skip the information gathering part.

Oh yea and GO FLY AMERICA dosent' have any money.

Good enough Chip?
Attention: GO FLY AMERICA adivses that all claims are made at your own risk. As Pilot in command you are the only person that can decide if it is safe to make a particular claim. GO FLY AMERICA is not a race or a contest and does not encourage or codone pilots acting as idiots in order to make a claim. Nor does GO FLY AMERICA represent that any particular airport is safe or in good condition to land at they therefore encourage you not to be an idiot and gather information about a particular airport before you land there, unless you suffer an engine failure and you are forced to land in which case you can probably skip the information gathering part.

Oh yea and GO FLY AMERICA dosent' have any money.

Good enough Chip?

I think you need to add "Avoid M10 at all costs." That is one airport that I know I will never claim, and one in which, unless it gets fixed up, I will never land at ever again.
Attention: GO FLY AMERICA adivses that all claims are made at your own risk. As Pilot in command you are the only person that can decide if it is safe to make a particular claim. GO FLY AMERICA is not a race or a contest and does not encourage or codone pilots acting as idiots in order to make a claim. Nor does GO FLY AMERICA represent that any particular airport is safe or in good condition to land at they therefore encourage you not to be an idiot and gather information about a particular airport before you land there, unless you suffer an engine failure and you are forced to land in which case you can probably skip the information gathering part.

Oh yea and GO FLY AMERICA dosent' have any money.

Good enough Chip?

Hey!! I resemble that remark!

It never crossed my mind to in any way blame Go Fly America! nor Nick nor any of his heirs and associates for my idiocy. And it wasn't the airport's fault, either, although I suppose I could take exception to the narrow taxiways and strong crosswinds. No, I got.....wait for it......distracted and, well, the rest is history. Thank goodness it's history.

I see you are uploading additional photos already Skip. Nice!! Everything working OK for you?

Chip, the upload went smoothly but I thought I found a glitch. On one of the uploads (for KSNC Chester), when I revisited the airport page to check the upload, the additional photo would not show - it just appeared as the little icon thingy - but when you clicked on the thingy, the photo appeared. I was going to bring this to your attention, but this morning it is working normally so ... :dunno: but all seems to be well.

Chip, the upload went smoothly but I thought I found a glitch. On one of the uploads (for KSNC Chester), when I revisited the airport page to check the upload, the additional photo would not show - it just appeared as the little icon thingy - but when you clicked on the thingy, the photo appeared. I was going to bring this to your attention, but this morning it is working normally so ... :dunno: but all seems to be well.


Actually I saw that this morning and fixed that photo. The upload program doesn't always do like it should and sometimes the part where the photo gets copied and reduced doesn't work. I just have to keep an eye on it.
Chip, I'm getting ready to post additional pictures. What is the best size to use for a good quality photo (using Paint)? Thanks.
Chip, I'm getting ready to post additional pictures. What is the best size to use for a good quality photo (using Paint)? Thanks.

Make them about 800 px wide. The resolution will be fine and the file will be relatively small.